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Choosing a General Dentist

Don’t put off choosing a general dentist until an emergency forces you to seek care from any dentist you can find. A better choice is to select the right dentist for you and your family who meets all your needs and to get established with regular checkups and consistent care. When searching for a general dentist, here are some guidelines to help you through the process.

Ask what procedures and treatments that the dentist offers. Make sure that the services you’re interested in are provided and that the dentist has experience in performing them. Typical services available through many general dentists include professional cleanings, X-rays, fillings, bonding, root canal treatment, teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, and more.

Check to see that the dentist has the proper education and training to be practicing, as well as a valid license. Look for a dentist who pursues continuing education in order to maintain the latest and most efficient skills.

You are more likely to keep your appointments if the dental office is located near your home or work. This makes stopping in for checkups easier with less impacts on your busy schedule.

Personal comfort is one of the most important aspects of your dental visits. Not only should the office environment be comfortable and appealing, your interactions with the dentist and staff should also make you feel at ease. Look for professionals who listen to what you have to say and address all of your concerns. Nerves are a common part of dental visits for many people, so find a dentist who makes you feel relaxed and more likely to return for care.

Ask questions about various policies of the dental office such as hours, emergency care, financial responsibilities, insurance plans, and any other policies that might affect you.

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

Ouch! I Have a Mouth Sore!

There are few things more irritating than having a painful, swollen sore in your mouth. It bothers you while eating, talking, and even just sitting around. There are a number of types of mouth sores with different causes. Some are infections from bacteria, viruses, or fungus. Or they can be a result of an ill-fitting denture, broken tooth or filling, or loose orthodontic wire. Mouth sores can also be a symptom of a medical condition. Here are some details about common mouth sores.

Canker sore
These small sores occur inside your mouth, and are white or gray with a red outline. They aren’t contagious, but are recurring and can happen one-at-a-time or several at once. Experts believe that lowered immune systems, bacteria, or viruses are risk factors. Canker sores often heal by themselves in about a week, and topical anesthetics or antibacterial mouthwashes may provide relief.

Cold sore
Also called fever blisters, these sores occur outside of your mouth around your lips, nose, or chin. These blisters filled with fluid are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, and are extremely contagious. Once you have been infected with the herpes virus, it remains in your body and occasionally flares up. Cold sores usually heal in about a week on their own. Topical anesthetics may help, and your dentist might prescribe antiviral medications to reduce outbreaks.

Also called oral thrush, candidiasis is a result of the yeast Candida albicans reproducing in large quantities. It usually happens to those with weakened immune systems, and is common with people wearing dentures or with dry mouth syndrome. Candidiasis is also linked to taking antibiotics. Controlling candidiasis is done by preventing or controlling the cause of the outbreak. Ask your dentist for advice.

Common with tobacco users, leukoplakia are thick white patches on the inside of your cheeks, gums, or tongue. In addition to tobacco use, they can also be caused by ill-fitting dentures or continual chewing on the inside of your cheek. Leukoplakia is linked with oral cancer, so your dentist may advise a biopsy if the patch looks suspicious.


Contact our dental office in Clintonville to schedule a dental checkup.


Why A General Dentist is Key to Excellent Oral Health

Excellent dental care protects not only your oral health but also your general health. You may think brushing and flossing are enough to keep you safe from decay and disease, but routine care and examinations by a good general dentist are also an important and necessary part of taking care of your oral and general health.

A general dentist plays a vital role in identifying and treating minor problems before they become major ones. The primary focus of a general dentist is preventative care. Several essential services provided by a general dentist include:

  • Treatment of cavities
  • Dental sealants
  • Mouthguards
  • Root canal therapy
  • Scaling and root planing
  • Professional cleaning
  • Examinations and x-rays
  • Tooth extractions
  • Oral cancer screenings

Detecting and treating potential problems early may mean the difference between losing and saving an infected tooth. Caught early, gingivitis or periodontitis can be stopped and treated before becoming more serious problems.

A general dentist can treat your entire family, from the youngest child to the more senior members. It is your general dentist’s responsibility to oversee the diagnosis, treatment and overall coordination of all your dental health needs. Should you require specialized oral care, your general dentist can work with specialty dentists to ensure you receive the best possible care.

To guarantee the longevity of your oral health, look to a qualified general dentist for excellent dental care. A regular schedule of exams and cleanings by your general dentist

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

General Tips for Healthy Teeth

Keeping your teeth and gums in good condition can mean the difference between being embarrassed to smile and being happy to display your pearly whites. Your smile is one of the first things people notice, so here are some things to add to your dental care routine so that your teeth are sparkling and healthy.

Brush after consuming staining items:
Avoid foods and drinks that are known to stain your teeth, such as coffee, red wine, colored gravies, and dark colas. Brush your teeth as soon as possible after consuming such items. If brushing isn’t possible, try eating an apple to help clean away staining residue.

Change your toothbrush:
Old bristles that are out of shape and worn harbor bacteria and don’t as good of a job as newer brushes. Change your toothbrush every three months, or when it starts to look worn. Remember to choose a brush with soft bristles for the best treatment of your teeth and gums.

Floss regularly:
Use dental floss at least once every day to clean between your teeth and along your gums. Carry floss with you so that you can quickly use it in private moments after a meal or bothersome snacks.

Use mouthwash:
Add mouthwash to your daily routine to help kill bacteria that your toothbrush doesn’t reach. It also can help improve your breath.

See your dentist:
No matter how well you care for your mouth, see your dentist every six months for checkups and professional cleanings. This will not only keep your teeth bright, it will catch any problems early in hopes of avoiding more extensive dental work in the future.

If you live in the Clintonville area contact us today

Common Services Offered by General Dentists

General dentistry offers exactly what the name implies: dental care related to the general maintenance of good oral health. The ideal way to look at dentistry is preventative, which means focusing on good oral hygiene and functionality before problems can take hold. Finding a qualified and skilled general dentist who you visit every six months for checkups is the best way to prevent serious dental issues and help you maintain excellent oral health.

A trip to the general dentist for you or any of your family members, no matter their age, is a smart way to keep your smile looking and feeling great. Your general dentist will help create the perfect dental plan that depends on your personal oral health and needs. A typical dental visit includes thorough examination, X-rays or other diagnostic tests, professional teeth cleaning, and any treatments that might be needed for your condition. If a certain treatment isn’t available through your general dentist, it’s likely that you’ll receive a referral to a reputable specialist to complete the work.

Every dentist is unique, so you’ll need to inquire about the specific treatments available at your dentist’s practice. Some common services that many general dentists provide include:

  • Dental sealants
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Professional cleanings
  • Gum scaling or recontouring
  • Fillings
  • Bonding
  • Root canal therapy
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures
  • Veneers
  • Orthodontics

In addition to dental treatments, your general dentist will evaluate your at-home hygiene routine and make suggestions for improvement. You will learn proper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as learn about any additional products or practices that might improve your oral health. Your general dentist wants you and your family to have the best smiles and oral health possible, and will help you achieve that goal.

If you need a dentist in Clintonville contact us today

Family Dentists Compared to General Dentists

Finding the right dentist is an important decision because it’s a healthcare relationship that can last a lifetime. The need for dental care starts around age one and continues through senior adulthood. For routine dental care, you might choose to see a family dentist or a general dentist. Although there are some similarities, the two types of dentists have some unique aspects.

Both types of dentists offer routine services that are common to oral health care. This includes examinations, cleanings, x-rays, and fluoride treatments. Instructing patients about dental hygiene such as proper brushing and flossing is part of most family and general dentistry practices as well. Poor oral care can cause decay, infections, gum disease, or other problems. Both types of dentists also offer treatment for when problems arise, such as dental fillings.

General dentists often cater to patients in a certain age range, but family dentists provide treatment for patients of all ages. Infants, children, adolescents, adults, and seniors are all able to seek oral health care from a family dentist. Each age group has unique needs and issues, but family dentists are skilled in caring for everyone.

Since they see all ages of patients, family dentists are skilled in a wide variety of procedures. They are able to diagnose and treat many oral health conditions, including gum disease and oral cancer. Typical procedures they offer include tooth extractions, root canals, fillings, crowns, bridges, and sealants. Some are able to perform specialty services like implants and veneers. Many patients enjoy being able to obtain treatment from their family dentist without having to see a specialist.

In addition to the benefit of getting a variety of treatments in one location, family dentists are also able to provide ongoing treatment for all household members. Children and parents go to the same location and can even request back-to-back appointments. Everyone learns the same dental care techniques that they can practice at home together. Family dentists encourage every member of the family to take pride in their oral health.

If you need a dentist in Clintonville contact us today

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

Call: (614) 268-5250

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.