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Tips for a Brighter Smile

White teeth are a sign of beauty and health. Having pearly whites shows that you take pride in your appearance and gives you a confident air. There are many ways to achieve a brighter smile; here are some tips to help you get that shiny glow.

Professional whitening is a sure-fire way to brighten your smile by numerous shades. In only an hour, your smile can go from dull and dingy to white and polished. Your dental professional can guide you in the best ways to enhance your look with tools such as lasers or whitening trays. Professional methods are the quickest route to a dramatic improvement in the shade of your teeth.

If you prefer methods in your own home, drugstores have lots of options. Whitening strips, gels, and toothpastes are only a few of the choices available. These typically require consistent use for an extended period, but they can improve the color of your teeth with proper use. Follow the instructions carefully for the best results.

There are also natural ways to whiten your teeth at home. Rubbing your teeth with the back of a lemon or orange peel can help, and adding a little salt can make it even more effective. Strawberries may be directly rubbed onto your teeth, or made into a paste by mashing them up with a little water and then brushing onto your teeth for five minutes. Each of these methods should be followed by thorough rinsing of the mouth to eliminate residue or acids left behind.

Baking soda is a proven ingredient to help brighten your smile. Mixing baking soda and water to form a paste that can then be brushed onto your teeth is a great tip. Follow up by rinsing with water or hydrogen peroxide, and then brushing normally with toothpaste.

Consult your dentist to make sure you aren’t harming your teeth or mouth when you try any whitening methods yourself. If you experience pain, stop and ask your dentist for advice. Do not use over-the-counter or professional whitening methods during pregnancy without consulting your doctor first.

Are dental issues holding you back? Take control of your oral health by booking an appointment with our experienced team at our Clintonville dental office.

Restoring Confidence with a Smile Makeover

An unattractive smile can make you feel uncomfortable and lower your self-esteem. Being embarrassed about the appearance of your mouth can make social and professional situations difficult. This calls for a smile makeover. Cosmetic dentists can help you transform your look and give you back the confidence you’ve lost due to a lackluster smile. A smile makeover offers many ways to help you achieve your goals.

Whitening teeth
Aging combined with certain habits can take a toll on your teeth, leaving them dingy and yellow. Drinking coffee or red wine and maintaining habits like smoking all can be culprits of an embarrassing smile. Professional teeth whitening methods provide a fast and effective way to turn your smile around.

Eliminating gaps
Although some celebrities embrace gaps in their smiles, many people consider them a reason to hide their teeth. Traditional braces, clear aligners, and veneers are each effective ways to get rid of gaps that you don’t like.

Repairing decay
Not only is tooth decay unattractive, it can be painful and negatively impact your overall health. Treatment may involve fillings, crowns, root canal therapy, or even tooth extraction. If removal of the tooth is necessary, dental implants are a popular restoration choice.

Repairing chips and cavities
Chips in your teeth may be easily repaired using techniques like contouring or bonding. Cavities can also be attractively filled using white composite material that is not noticeable in your smile, yet effectively takes care of cavities.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Everyday Things That Are Staining Your Teeth

Having a bright smile is a sign of good health, and it not only makes your face more radiant, but also appear younger! As you age, your teeth lose their outer layer of tooth enamel. The layer underneath is called dentin, and it is more yellow than the surface enamel. Even though this yellowing is natural and expected, everyday things can hasten that unwanted process. With some minor care, you can avoid these pitfalls and keep your smile shining bright.

Most people know that soda, coffee, tea, and red wine can stain teeth; however, it is less commonly known that some foods, such as tomato sauce, basalmic vinegar, and soy sauce can leave unsightly stains. Blackberries, blueberries, and beets all leave residual color on your teeth. You don’t have to stop enjoying these healthy foods, but you can reduce the staining effects by rinsing your mouth after eating and by brushing immediately.

Recent studies have shown that some sports and energy drinks may be worse for your teeth than sugary drinks. Researchers know that these kinds of drinks can erode tooth enamel if consumed long-term. Prevent this erosion by limiting your consumption of these kinds of beverages and by rinsing your mouth with water when you are finished drinking.

Antibacterial mouthwashes containing cetylpyridinium or chlorhexidine can stain your teeth. Some blood pressure medications, antibiotics, antihistamines, and antipsychotic drugs can cause tooth discoloration. Excess iron and fluoride may also cause stains.

Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your health, but it’s also one of the worst culprits when it comes to discoloring teeth. Tobacco stains penetrate deep into the pits and grooves of tooth enamel. Brushing alone will not remove the stains, and the longer you smoke, the more difficult the stains are to remove.

Talk to your dentist about the elements of your diet and lifestyle that affect the whiteness of your teeth. There are many options available to address the stains and yellowing already present and to strategize to prevent future discoloration.

If you need professional teeth whitening and you live in the Clintonville area, contact our office today to schedule a consultation to see if teeth whitening is right for you.  We look forward to seeing you.

Is Nail Biting a Dental Problem?

Also called onychophagia, nail biting is a common habit for lots of people, usually children, teens, and young adults. Often, nail biting is caused by stress and seems to wane as people get older. Though some would argue that it’s not as bad as smoking or other less desirable habits, there are several reasons to stop nail biting:

It’s unsanitary. Did you know that your mouth and your hands/nails are two of the germiest areas on your body? If you have any open sores on your fingertips and you bite your nails, the germs from your mouth spread to that area. Pretty gross if you think about it.

It’s unattractive. Nobody really wants to watch someone bite their nails. As well, it doesn’t make your nails look very nice either.

It hurts your teeth. When you bite your nails, it strains front teeth and can weaken them, which may contribute to misalignment or crookedness. Nail biting also keeps your teeth in constant chewing motion and may wear them down faster than if you didn’t bite your nails.

It can cost you money. The Academy of General Dentistry estimates that nail biting may add $4000 to dental bills over a lifetime.

Stopping any habit can be difficult. To curtail your nail biting, try to:

  1. Think about it. Sometimes, just be conscious of this habit can help you stop.
  2. Make your nails look nice. You won’t want to mess them up if they are neatly manicured.
  3. Create a deterrent. Check at the drug store for colorless, odorless solutions you apply to the
    nails. These topicals taste awful, which should make it easier to quit.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Achieving the Wow Factor with Cosmetic Dentistry

There are many things you can do that will improve your look, such as a new hairstyle or diet. But have you thought about the dramatic effects changing your smile might have on your appearance? Cosmetic dentistry was established to make you more beautiful and confident with a winning smile.

Cosmetic dentists offer a wide variety of ways to alter your smile that can affect your whole appearance. It’s amazing what straight, white, fully restored teeth can do for a person. Here are some popular treatments offered through cosmetic dentistry.

Teeth whitening
Things like aging, eating dark foods, and smoking contribute to a dingy smile. Cosmetic dentists can brighten your smile right away using professional whitening techniques. Often in just an hour, you can have a brilliant smile to wow all your friends.

Dental veneers
Thin porcelain shells may be securely adhered to the front surfaces of your teeth. Cracks, misalignments, discolorations, chips and misshapen teeth will all disappear under your dental veneers. They are customized just for you, even down to the exact shade of white you desire, so that you end up with the smile you’ve always wanted.

Cosmetic dentists can repair many minor teeth issues with dental bonding. Composite resin material is typically used to fill in chips, spaces, stains, cracks and fractures. Bonding lasts for years with proper oral hygiene.

To restore your tooth appearance and function, a crown is placed over a damaged tooth. It may be a tooth that is worn down, discolored, weak or otherwise compromised. Also, crowns are used as part of the process with dental implants, bridges or root canals. These restorations are made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, or resin.

Used to replace missing teeth, bridges are also called fixed partial dentures. These are usually made from gold, alloys, or a combination of these materials.

In addition to orthodontists, many cosmetic dentists can provide braces to straighten your teeth, repair an irregular bite, or reposition your jaw. Options include metals, ceramic, or plastic and some choices are even invisible in your smile.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Replace Metal Fillings with Composite Resin Restorations

For many years, dentists removed cavities and filled them with metal amalgams. Traditional metal fillings are less expensive and were often the first choice for fixing damaged teeth. Recently, composite resin fillings have become the top method for restoring smiles. Ultimately, the decision rests with the patient; however, many dentists have moved to placing only composite fillings.

Silver fillings actually weaken the natural tooth structure, although they do repair the decayed area. As well, metal fillings contain mercury, which can become toxic in large doses. Metal fillings can expand, contract, or leak from wear over time. In many cases, they also darken with age.

Tinted to match natural teeth, composite resin fillings preserve your bright, white image. With composite resin fillings, less tooth area needs to be removed, which keeps as much of your original tooth in tact as possible. Because tooth-colored fillings actually bond to the tooth, you don’t have to worry about these restorations changing shape or cracking.

To place a composite restoration, your dentist will clean out the decay and prepare the tooth. Then, the doctor will fill the area with the composite material. With a special curing light, your dentist hardens the filling and polishes the tooth.

When you have metal fillings, check with your dentist and request an evaluation of their stability. Some people choose to replace amalgam fillings because of the way they look. If your old fillings develop additional decay or fracture, you will need to have the restorations repaired in order to restore the tooth.

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment today at our Clintonville dentists office.

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Clintonville, OH 43214

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