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Is it Possible to Whiten One Tooth?

Do you have a single tooth that has darkened due to trauma? The first step in determining if a damaged tooth can be lightened is to visit your dentist for a thorough examination.

Your dentist will need to identify what is causing the dark staining. To do this, your dentist may perform x-rays or other tests to learn if the pulp of the tooth is “vital” or alive. If the tooth is deemed to be alive, external bleaching may yield the whitening results you are seeking. Your dentist can create a single-tooth bleaching tray to whiten the traumatized tooth effectively. This type of tray keeps the bleach away from other teeth, producing the best color match for your overall smile.

However, if it is determined that the nerves have died and it is no longer a living tooth, your dentist may need to perform a root canal. Darkening of a dead tooth can happen immediately or may develop over time after a root canal procedure has been performed. For this type of tooth trauma, your dentist or endodontist may recommend bleaching the tooth from the inside.

Stains from a non-vital tooth come from the inside, rather than outside, of the tooth. Therefore, your dentist needs to put the bleach inside the tooth. This type of teeth whitening is a routine procedure that involves making a small opening in the tooth through which to bleach the tooth. Once this procedure is complete, you can assess with your dentist whether the desired results have been achieved. If the whitening is not enough, the tooth can then be bleached externally as well. If the results are still not acceptable, you may want to consider a tooth-colored veneer or crown.

If you have a darkened tooth marring your smile, consult your dentist to determine the best teeth whitening treatment to return your smile to its bright, white best.

Do not let another day go by without taking care of your dental needs. Request an appointment now at our Clintonville dental office!

Dental Implant Care Guidelines

Once you have had dental implants surgically placed, you will want to follow some important care tips to ensure their long-term success. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, so it’s exceptionally important to adhere to the instructions provided by your dentist and guidelines like these:

  • Follow a vigilant routine of brushing and flossing thoroughly at least twice per day to eliminate the plaque that can cause periodontal disease, which is a leading cause of implant failure.
  • Consult with your dentist about the type and use of special toothbrushes or oral irrigation devices that can help with the additional removal of food debris or plaque that builds up around the implant areas.
  • Visit your dentist approximately every three months for the first year after implant surgery, and then every six months for the duration of your implants.
  • If you are also wearing an implant supported denture, seek additional guidance from your dentist about the placement and removal of your denture to prevent damage to the implant.
  • Refrain from applying excessive pressure or chewing on hard foods that could cause damage to the implant area. Patients who suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding) should consider being fitted for a night guard to protect the implants.

While the success rate of dental implants is high, implant failure can happen and normally results from infection, fracture, or damage to the nerves, teeth or blood vessels surrounding the implant. A successful implant patient who takes vigilant care of their teeth, gums, and implants can expect a full recovery and complication-free lifetime of beautiful, healthy smiles.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

The Larger Impact of Dental Health

Everyone knows you need to brush and floss your teeth if you want a white smile and fresh breath. It’s easy, as well, to see the link between a vibrant smile and self-esteem. Often, though, people don’t realize that your oral health affects your overall wellbeing. Developing good oral care habits not only keeps your mouth in tip-top shape, but it also protects your total body health.

On a daily basis, we are constantly exposed to bacteria. These microscopic organisms can be found on common surfaces and in the air. Usually, our skin serves as a good barrier, and our bodies fight off bacterial infections. However, our mouths are a different story.

The inside of our mouths contain millions of bacteria, which contribute to the development of plaque, a sticky, colorless substance that forms on teeth. If you don’t take good care of your teeth and gums, excessive plaque can develop, which can lead to gum inflammation and even periodontal disease. Another term for gum disease, periodontal disease can not only cause serious damage to your dental wellness, but also your overall health.

When your gums are healthy, the bacteria in your mouth stay put. Gum disease can give bacteria an entry way into your blood stream, allowing these germs to wreak havoc on your whole system. Current research has linked periodontal disease to serious health concerns such as osteoporosis, heart disease, risk of stroke, and diabetes complications. In addition, women who develop gum disease during pregnancy have an increased risk for premature birth or low-birth weight babies.

Do not wait any longer. Book your appointment now and achieve the smile you have always wanted. Dr. Hughes is accepting new patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area.

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

There are many types of cosmetic dental procedures, from teeth whitening to porcelain veneers. While some procedures like veneers require little to no advance preparation, some procedures require more forethought. Make the most of your visit by making the right preparations.

All cosmetic dental procedures should begin with a discussion with your dentist. Your dentist is skilled and experienced. Your dentist best knows your teeth and your dental needs and can give you the advice you need. Some common cosmetic dental procedures and how to prepare for them are explained below.

Teeth whitening: Cleaning your teeth before a tooth whitening treatment will help you achieve better results. If you clean the plaque and tartar off of the tooth surface, the whitening will affect the entire surface of the tooth. Be sure to look at a shade guide before your procedure to establish your existing tooth color and to choose your goal shade. Teeth whitening is not recommended for expectant or nursing mothers, as the effects of the whitening chemicals on unborn children or infants has not been explored.

Oral surgery: Many cosmetic dentistry procedures involve some type of oral surgery. To prepare for your surgery, follow all of the instructions of your surgeon. Make transportation arrangements, as you may not be able to drive. Get your medication in advance, so you will be prepared to take your pain medication or antibiotics immediately following your procedure instead of having to wait and possibly endure pain. Follow all of your pre-op instructions, including any diet restrictions. Plan your recovery diet beforehand, so you will have a variety of healthy, appropriate foods available to you.

Braces: Before braces are applied to your teeth, you will need a full check-up to look for decay or problems with your gums. After application or adjustment, your mouth may be sore. Treat this with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Because braces may chafe initially against your teeth and gums, have some specialized wax available to place over the bracket to help shield your mouth until your tongue and cheeks adjust.

Do you live in Clintonville or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

How to Keep a Healthy Smile for Life

Your smile is a valuable asset, but needs care to ensure it maintains its beauty. It’s essential to brush at least twice a day and floss once a day, but other factors can influence oral health. The following pointers could help you maintain a healthy smile for life.

Book Regular Dental Checkups
Most dentists recommend patients visit them twice a year, although some people may benefit from more frequent checkups. These visits are essential for your dentist in Clintonville to examine your mouth, and can help detect any early signs of disease before they become a problem.

Watch Your Diet
A healthy balanced diet should include plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins and low-fat dairy products. This will help provide your teeth and gums with all the nutrients needed to keep them strong and healthy, and promotes overall good health.

Quit Using Tobacco Products
Smoking or using tobacco products is well known for causing stained and discolored teeth, and smokers are more likely to have bad breath. In addition, smoking makes it harder for your gums to heal and increases the risk of oral cancer.

Quit Bad Oral Habits
Using your teeth to open packets, chewing on ice cubes and pens, and biting your nails can all cause small fractures and chips in your teeth. Your dentist can offer useful advice on quitting these habits.

Don’t Ignore Any Early Signs and Symptoms
If you develop toothache or notice your gums bleed when you brush or floss, contact your dentist in Clintonville right away. These diseases are far easier to treat when detected early. Ignoring tooth sensitivity that could indicate a small filling is needed might mean you’ll eventually need a root canal, or even that you lose the tooth completely.

Protect Your Mouth
Popular activities such as football, soccer, basketball and hockey can all cause facial injuries. Even noncontact sports such as skateboarding may be hazardous. Your dentist can provide you with a custom-made mouth guard that will help protect your teeth and jaws during sports.

Are dental issues holding you back? Take control of your oral health by booking an appointment with our experienced team at our Clintonville dental office.

Common Myths about Tooth Decay

From the time we are young, our parents teach us to brush and floss our teeth so that we won’t get cavities. Most people believe certain “facts” about cavities and how they actually develop. Unfortunately, not everything we learn is true. Take a few minutes to discover what’s true and what’s not about keeping your teeth healthy and strong:

Fact or Fiction: Sugar causes most cavities.
Reality: Actually, this statement is both fact and fiction. The acid produced by bacteria in your mouth is what causes cavities. Eating foods high in carbohydrates increases the bacteria in your mouth, resulting in greater acid production, which leads to a greater chance of tooth decay.

Fact or Fiction: Kids get more cavities than adults.
Reality: In the last 20 years, thanks to fluoride and better preventive care, tooth decay in school-aged children has decreased. On the other hand, senior citizens have seen a rise in the incidents of cavities, possibly because of changes in their mouths that come with aging, including dry mouth and issues with gum health.

Fact or Fiction: You must replace old fillings.
Reality: Most restorations do have a life expectancy, but it depends on a variety of factors such as tooth wear, hygiene habits, and location. Plan to replace an old filling if the restoration breaks down, a cavity develops around the filling, or the tooth fractures.

Fact or Fiction: If I get a cavity, I will know it.
Reality: Because tooth decay starts out small, most people don’t realize they have a problem until the cavity gets bigger and causes damage to the nerve. Routine visits to the dentist enable your doctor to check your mouth and catch small cavities before they create larger oral health issues.

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment today at our Clintonville dentists office.

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

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