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Smile Makeovers: Do Something for You

Why not do something for yourself that might be able to turn your whole outlook on life around? If you are a person embarrassed by your smile because of how it looks, then consider a smile makeover through your cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic dentists listen to what you have to say about your smile – your dislikes and your goals – and offer advice on how to help you achieve the new look you desire. Efforts are concentrated on improving the appearance of your smile, which then gives the added bonus of better self-esteem and improved oral condition.

Common reasons patients seek smile makeovers include tooth chips, cracks, gaps, discoloration, misalignment, and more. You and your dentist can work together to decide which procedures or treatments most suit your goals, lifestyle, and wallet.

Here are some smile makeover techniques available through qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists:

  • Bonding is a very simple and cost-effective way to repair chips, gaps, and stains. A composite resin material is applied to the area and then molded and polished to blend with your smile.
  • Teeth whitening is quick and painless, and can produce a major smile improvement. Professional methods at a cosmetic dental office provide the most dramatic results using high concentration bleaching agents and laser lights.
  • Dental veneers are thin porcelain covers securely bonded to the fronts of teeth to hide all kinds of imperfections. They give a brand new smile of your choice.
  • Crowns go on top of a broken or otherwise damaged tooth. Once the original tooth is prepared to a specific size, a crown is placed over it and then securely bonded in place. Crowns are often made of porcelain for a natural appearance and durable lifetime.
  • Dental implants are the newest way to replace missing teeth. A titanium rod is surgically placed into the jaw bone to simulate a new tooth root, and a crown is usually placed on top to provide a fully functional and attractive new tooth.

These are just a few of the treatments that can create the smile of your dreams. Schedule a consultation to see how your smile makeover can be achieved.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Porcelain and Composite Dental Veneers

Having a beautiful smile is possible with dental veneers. Broken, stained, chipped, gapped, and crooked teeth can all be hidden with this restoration. There are two primary types of materials that are used to create veneers. These are composite resin and porcelain.

Porcelain is the most popular material used for veneers. These are usually made at a separate lab from the dental office, created by lab technicians based upon a model of the patient’s mouth. When the veneers are complete, they are sent to the dental office so the dentist can bond them to the patient’s teeth to complete the process. One reason that porcelain is especially popular is that the material resists stains and looks like natural teeth.

The other most common option for creating veneers is composite resin. These are typically made by the dentist in the office, so there is no delay in getting the veneers made at a lab. A benefit of composite veneers is that they require minimal tooth surface and are thinner than veneers made of porcelain.

No matter which type of material you choose for your dental veneers, you’ll need to have a consultation with your dentist to make sure you are a good candidate. Patients who grind their teeth are not suitable for veneers because they can be broken with this type of pressure. Also, patients who are unable break habits like chewing hard items like ice, pencils, or fingernails may not be suitable for veneers.

If you are a good candidate for dental veneers, remember that they are a permanent restoration. This means that you will need to have your veneers replaced if they ever wear out, because once your teeth have had veneers you’ll need to continue wearing them. If you take good care of your veneers by practicing proper oral hygiene, your veneers should last a long time before replacement might be necessary. In the meantime, you’ll be able to enjoy your appealing smile.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Protect Yourself against Oral Cancer

Every hour, one American loses the battle with oral cancer. In fact, oral cancer kills more people than liver, cervical, or testicular cancer. Recently, Michael Douglas shined a spotlight on this illness by revealing his own battle with the disease, after a malignant tumor was discovered at the base of his tongue, near the back of his throat.

Although men have as greater risk of developing oral cancer than women, and tobacco use increases your odds, 25 percent of oral cancer victims have no lifestyle risk factors.

You can follow these tips to keep your mouth healthy:

Visit the dentist regularly. Your provider is trained to know what is normal and what isn’t. During your routine exam, the doctor will evaluate your teeth and gums, looking for anything out of the ordinary. At Brown, Reynolds & Snow Dentistry, we also offer ViziLite Plus cancer screening. ViziLite Plus uses technology that helps the dentist identify soft tissue abnormalities that may develop into cancer.

Watch for unusual signs. Common symptoms of oral cancer include unusual bumps or thickenings, unexplained bleeding in the mouth, hoarseness, and voice changes. Contact your dentist right away if you develop any of these symptoms.

Cut out tobacco and alcohol. Smokers have six times the risk of developing oral cancer as non-smokers. As well, heavy drinking increases your chances of receiving an oral cancer diagnosis.

Perform a self-exam. Early detection substantially improves your odds of survival with oral cancer, so examine your lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, and the roof of your mouth at least once a month.

Limit sun exposure. When you do go outside, apply sunscreen to your lips for added protection against harmful UV rays.

It’s time for your dental check up at our Clintonville dental office.

Foods that Stain Teeth

Everyone wants to attain a brilliant, white smile. Modern dentistry can help you achieve this goal with Invisalign teeth whitening or cosmetic enhancements such as veneers or porcelain crowns. Brushing and flossing will help you keep your smile in prime condition. Your diet can impact your teeth as well. Certain foods and beverages can darken your teeth, including:

• Tea Time
Considered a healthy beverage, tea may not keep your teeth white. In fact, black tea can leave more stains than coffee.

• Saucy Saucy
Yummy extras like soy sauce, tomato sauce, and curry sauce may taste delicious, but they have significant potential in the stain department. Choose lighter cream sauces or brush right away to limit issues.

• Sports Power
Highly acidic beverages, like sports or energy drinks, erode tooth enamel and make teeth more susceptible to stains. Try water when you exercise as a safer choice for your smile.

• A Little Wine
If a drink will stain your linens, it can also alter the appearance of your pearly whites, so limiting your intake of wine can protect your smile.

• Berry Good
Though blackberries, cherries, and blueberries are great for your body, the deeply pigmented molecules in these fruits can stick to enamel and cause discoloration. Pies and juices containing these foods can also stain teeth.

• Bubbling Over
Frequently a cause of stains, sodas and other carbonated drinks have acid and chromogens, which can lead to serious stains. Even lighter colored drinks have enough acid to allow staining from other foods and beverages.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

The Right Diet for a Healthy Smile

Everyone knows that what you eat matters for your health. Your diet impacts your heart, weight, and other areas, including your oral health. Eating a balanced diet will keep your teeth and gums strong, which protects your smile.

These tips will help you make your diet count:

• Choose foods high in calcium. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese offer you great sources of calcium, a mineral that helps your teeth and bones in good shape. Green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach also provide calcium.

• Limit sugar intake. Though a cookie or the occasional piece of chocolate won’t hurt your smile, eating too many sweets can contribute to cavities. It also important to watch your carbohydrates, like breads, pastas, and potatoes, because these foods may also increase the chance of tooth decay.

• Say no to sodas. Carbonated beverages contain phosphorous and carbonation, acidic substances that can cause enamel erosion. Because sports drinks have a high sugar content, you should limit those as well.

• Go for fruits and vegetables. Apples, carrots, and celery are good options because they are high in nutrients and won’t stick to your teeth.

• Cut back on snacks. When you eat between meals, the food stays on your teeth and can boost your risk for cavities.

• Drink plenty of water. Not only does water have fluoride to strengthen your teeth, but it also helps wash away food and plaque from your teeth.

• Chew sugarless gum. Studies have proven that chewing sugarless gum increases saliva production. Saliva naturally reduces plaque build up and rinses away food particles that encourage the development of tooth decay.

Everyone knows that what you eat matters for your health. Your diet impacts your heart, weight, and other areas, including your oral health. Eating a balanced diet will keep your teeth and gums strong, which protects your smile.

These tips will help you make your diet count:

• Choose foods high in calcium. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese offer you great sources of calcium, a mineral that helps your teeth and bones in good shape. Green, leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach also provide calcium.

• Limit sugar intake. Though a cookie or the occasional piece of chocolate won’t hurt your smile, eating too many sweets can contribute to cavities. It also important to watch your carbohydrates, like breads, pastas, and potatoes, because these foods may also increase the chance of tooth decay.

• Say no to sodas. Carbonated beverages contain phosphorous and carbonation, acidic substances that can cause enamel erosion. Because sports drinks have a high sugar content, you should limit those as well.

• Go for fruits and vegetables. Apples, carrots, and celery are good options because they are high in nutrients and won’t stick to your teeth.

• Cut back on snacks. When you eat between meals, the food stays on your teeth and can boost your risk for cavities.

• Drink plenty of water. Not only does water have fluoride to strengthen your teeth, but it also helps wash away food and plaque from your teeth.

• Chew sugarless gum. Studies have proven that chewing sugarless gum increases saliva production. Saliva naturally reduces plaque build up and rinses away food particles that encourage the development of tooth decay.

At Brown, Reynolds & Snow Dentistry we care about your smile and your oral health. Richmond, VA Cosmetic Dentist

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

What to do about a Toothache

You wake up in the middle of the night to a throbbing sensation in your tooth. Tooth decay or an abscess usually causes this kind of pain. You will need to see a dentist as soon as possible to resolve the issue. But if you experience signs of a true dental emergency, contact your dentist right away.

Until you can get an appointment, you can try some of these home remedies to help ease some discomfort:

  • Apply an over-the-counter oral analgesic ointment to temporarily numb the area.
  • Look to see if food could be trapped between teeth and causing pressure. If so, dental floss can remove the irritant and you can rinse the area with warm water.
  • Mix bay berry bark with vinegar and apply the paste to the aching tooth.
  • Place a wet, black tea bag on your gums to relieve soreness; this may also help stop any bleeding.
  • Crush a piece of garlic clove and place it on the affected tooth.  Garlic is a natural antiseptic and pain reliever.
  • For pain in your gums, try applying an ice pack against the side of the face. Switch to heat if cold doesn’t help. Apply a hot compress and gargle with warm salt water.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, but don’t choose aspirin. If you need to have a dental procedure done, aspirin can increase bleeding.
  • Use cotton swab to put oil of cloves on the aching tooth every 20 minutes.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

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Clintonville, OH 43214

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