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Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Special Occasions

Most people have things about their smiles they’d like to fix. Maybe the things are minor or perhaps they are major, but most of them can be addressed with some form of cosmetic dentistry. You may have been unhappy for a while with the smile you see in the mirror, but just haven’t felt the necessary impetus to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist.

To get that jump start toward your dental treatment, look ahead in your life. Maybe you have a class reunion coming up, or maybe a friend’s wedding. Perhaps there’s a job interview, first date or anniversary approaching. These special occasions are all excellent reasons to turn to cosmetic dentistry treatments. Here are some of the most common procedures that could be used to transform your smile.

  • Teeth whitening – perhaps the most popular and common cosmetic dentistry procedure, it utilizes light-activated bleaching chemicals that can lighten natural teeth and remove stains and discoloration.
  • Dental veneers – very thin, wafer-shaped shells crafted out of porcelain or another material that are bonded onto the natural surface of the tooth. Sometimes a thin layer of the natural tooth enamel must be removed in order to accommodate the application of the veneer.
  • Dental bonding – composite resin mixed to match the color of your tooth and then molded by hand onto the tooth’s surface to create the illusion of a complete natural tooth.
  • Dental crowns – restorative dental therapy that protects and preserves a natural tooth that has had a root canal treatment.
  • Enameloplasty – the correction of malformations of a natural tooth through hand-shaping. This is also the name for the removal of the tooth’s surface required for most types of dental veneers.

All of these cosmetic treatments will transform your smile for that special occasion. Get the bright, straight, white smile you want people to remember with the help of a little cosmetic dentistry.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Avoiding Common Oral Health Problems

Lots of things can go wrong with your oral health if you aren’t aware of potential problems and how to avoid them. There are some simple ways that can help you maintain good oral health and steer clear of sometimes painful problems.

Your first line of defense against cavities is good oral care, including regular and thorough brushing and flossing. Reducing your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks will also help. Ask your dentist about fluoride treatments and dental sealants, both of which can provide extra protection against cavities. Quitting smoking is another good way to avoid problems, since the habit makes your teeth sticky and more prone to allowing bacteria to cling to your tooth enamel.

Gum disease
Practicing good oral hygiene is the best way to fight gum disease, also called gingivitis. Once you develop gingivitis, it can develop into the more serious periodontitis if you’re not careful. Brush at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush, which can be manual or powered. Floss every single day, and you may also rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash. Professional teeth cleanings and checkups twice a year, eating a balanced diet, and quitting smoking are also helpful in preventing gum disease.

Temperomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is an increasingly common problem. It causes chronic jaw pain, popping, headaches, and neck problems. Teeth grinding or clenching are leading causes of TMJ, but it can also result from arthritis or trauma. If you suspect you are grinding or clenching your teeth, or are experiencing pain consistent with TMJ symptoms, visit your dentist. Some treatments include sleeping with a custom mouth guard, applying a warm washcloth to relax your jaw muscles, and practicing stress-reducing techniques like meditation.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Why Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?

Though most people take their kids to the pediatrician or visit a dermatologist when they have skin issues, few people look for a cosmetic dentist to perform smile enhancements. Many individuals assume their family dentist can complete the updates they desire. If you want to change your dental appearance, you should consider the benefits of selecting a cosmetic dentist.

A cosmetic dentist can offer the following advantages:

Advanced Training
If a dentist specializes in cosmetic dentistry, he or she will likely have taken post-graduate classes that focus on this area. Because cosmetic dentistry continues to change and evolve, choosing a cosmetic dentist will help you find a practitioner who is up-to-date on the latest advances.

Specialized Expertise
It may seem like anyone can place a filling or crown, but that isn’t always the case. When you need repair work on a front tooth or on any tooth visible when you smile, going with a cosmetic dentist can ensure that you keep your gorgeous appearance intact.

Artistic Vision
For individuals looking to completely makeover their smiles, a cosmetic dentist has the experience and creativity to produce amazing results. A good cosmetic dentist will meet with you to discuss your ideas, show you examples of other smile makeovers, and then customize a detailed plan for your smile transformation.

Do you live in Clintonville or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

Teeth Whitening 101

A gorgeous, white smile conveys confidence and vitality. Age, certain foods, dark beverages, and even medication can dull your teeth. In recent years, teeth whitening has become one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. Safe and effective, professional teeth whitening can revitalize your smile. If you are considering brightening your pearly whites, several options are available, including:

In-Office Whitening – Imagine visiting the dentist at lunch time and leaving with a sensational smile. With in-office whitening, you can erase stains and lighten teeth up to 10 shades in about an hour. The down sides to the in-office method are the cost, more than other options, and the lack of control over results. Because the dentist will combine bleaching gel with a special light, you can’t really select a desired shade and get that exact color. However, your bright, white smile will dazzle family and friends.

Take-Home Kits – Some people want to whiten their teeth at home and on their own time tables. Take-home kits allow you to do just that. First, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental lab to create custom trays. Simply place a thin layer of the professional bleaching solution to the trays and wear them as directed until you achieve the desired level of brightness. Often, patients notice a difference right away, but the full impact will appear after whitening ends, usually in two to three weeks.

Over-the-Counter Whitening Options – Available in the form of strips and trays, over-the-counter whitening kits cost about $20 to $50. Although these options will save you money, many of the drug store whitening products won’t produce noticeable results. As well, these kits may irritate your gums and soft tissue because they are not specially designed to fit your mouth.  For a safe, effective white smile, you should schedule a visit to your dentist for professional whitening.

Are you looking for a new dentist in Clintonville? Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

The Truth about Common Dental Myths

Modern dentistry allows people to keep their teeth healthy and strong. In fact, dentistry has evolved from folk practices to a medical discipline that follows scientific findings. Some common misconceptions still exist, including:

Myth: If I can’t see a problem with my teeth, they are fine, so I don’t need to visit the dentist.

Truth: Regular checkups are important even if you can’t see anything wrong. Sometimes, problems like decay and gum disease don’t present any signs until the condition progresses. Visiting the dentist for a routine exam twice a year allows the doctor to more effectively monitor your oral health.

Myth: Toothbrushes with hard bristles do a better job cleaning teeth.

Truth: Actually, most dentists recommend soft-bristled brushes because the hard bristles can remove tooth enamel, which makes your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold.

Myth: Root canal procedures cause pain.

Truth: When a tooth is severely damaged by trauma or deep decay, the soft nerve center called the pulp dies and pressure builds inside the tooth. Any discomfort you feel comes from the inflammation and infection. Most people actually feel better after a root canal, a procedure where the doctor removes the damaged tissue and seals the tooth to prevent further problems.

Myth: Teeth whitening will harm my teeth.

Truth: Both in-office and take-home teeth whitening options have evolved over the years. With a dentist’s supervision, you can safely and effectively brighten your smile.

Myth: Chewing sugar-free gum means I don’t have to brush my teeth.

Truth: Although sugar-free gum after meals may freshen breath and reduce plaque build up, you can’t use it as a substitute for brushing twice a day. Only regular brushing and flossing can get rid of the plaque already on teeth and remove food particles from between teeth.

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment today at our Clintonville dentists office.

Diet and Oral Health

For years, we have heard that sugar is bad for our teeth. As research has grown, scientists now understand which kinds of sugars hurt your teeth and which foods help keep your mouth healthy. A balanced diet can help keep your smile looking and feeling great.

Certain foods produce changes in your mouth that can increase the risk of tooth decay. For instance, bacteria in the mouth transform sugar and starches into bacteria that attack the teeth and weaken the enamel. As well, foods like candy, cakes, pastries, and dried fruits can stick to teeth and create a haven for bacteria.

Making healthy choices can help promote a healthy mouth. Cheeses, protein, meats, nuts, and milk can protect tooth enamel by contributing calcium and phosphorus, which will remineralize teeth. Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots are also good choices because they contain lots of water, which encourages saliva production.

When choosing a beverage, water, milk, and teeth are the best options for your oral health. Try to cut back on soft drinks and other beverages that contain sugar. Products that contain sugar substitutes like Equal or Splenda aren’t digested the same way as true sugar so they don’t cause over production of bacteria. In fact, chewing sugar free gum can actually improve saliva production and help protect your teeth.

Children and teens should work especially hard to eat a balanced diet. Poor eating habits can not only but their teeth at risk, but it can create other problems at well. A good diet influences brain development, learning capabilities, and normal growth patterns.

Schedule a dental cleaning appointment today at our Clintonville dentists office.

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.