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Oral Health Care for the Whole Family

One thing that can make an entire family smile is good oral health. When everyone has healthy teeth and gums, there is more reason to show off those great smiles. Oral health issues can even run in families, so taking care of a problem in one person may help other family members as well by alerting them to the condition. Family dentists can benefit everyone in your household. This type of dentist treats all family members, no matter what their age is. Young children, teens, adults, and seniors are all treated in one dental practice. Family dentistry focuses on taking care of the oral health needs for everyone in the family, and offers a variety of benefits by doing so.

Establishing a healthcare relationship with a family dentist means that everyone goes to the same office for appointments. The dentist and staff get to know each person, and can provide a level of comfort knowing that everyone is receiving the same standard of care. Family dentists understand your needs and those of other family members too.

Family dentists are trained and experienced in providing care for all kinds of issues. This always includes routine dental care like cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, and fillings. Some family dentists also perform procedures like implants, veneers, bonding, contouring, root canal treatments, and even orthodontics. You should choose a family dentist who offers services that meet the needs of every family member.

Another thing that family dentists are skilled in is teaching patients the best ways to care for their own oral health. Children may need to be taught how to properly brush and floss, teenagers might need reminders about consistent care or maintenance with braces, and adults often require special attention for good gum health. Seniors face unique challenges related to maintaining their oral health in order to keep their natural teeth. Family dentists understand the needs of patients at each stage of life, and can provide optimum treatment for those specific challenges.

Your smile is one of your most valuable assets and your oral health should not be compromised. Finding a good family dentist is your first step in the right direction.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Treating Gum Problems

Depending on the degree of gum disease you have been diagnosed with, treatment can vary extensively. It can range from having a regular teeth cleaning and paying more attention to dental hygiene, to complex and often painful surgery. If you’ve been told you have a problem with your gums, seek treatment immediately.

Your dentist will perform a gum exam to decide the best treatment plan. This includes measuring the gum pockets around your teeth, noting inflammation, and checking gum recession. If gum pockets are extensive, it may mean you have bone loss. In that case, your dentist might refer you to a gum specialist called a periodontist.

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease. All that may be required is a thorough professional cleaning, better oral hygiene, consistent checkups, and allowing time for gums to heal. If gum problems have advanced, a deeper professional cleaning called scaling and root planning may be needed. Medications might be prescribed to treat infection. If the areas don’t respond to these treatments, gum surgery can be performed to remove diseased tissue, save the remaining gums and bone, and allow a better environment for good future oral health.

Receding gums sometimes are not severe enough for any treatment, but cosmetic concerns may warrant a gum graft procedure. It involves surgically removing tissue from another area of the mouth and grafting it onto the receded area. Another issue might be a gum abscess, which requires deep cleaning to remove diseased tissue and any pus that is present. Antibiotics will likely be needed for the infection. Once the abscess is cleared, further treatment may be needed to avoid a recurrence.

As you can see, there are a variety of possible treatments depending upon the severity of your gum problems. Of course the best solution is to avoid gum issues in the first place by maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups.

Do you live in Clintonville or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

Smile Makeover Quick Fixes

Not everyone has the advantage of a perfect smile. A smile makeover can help you transform your look into what you’d like it to be, and it doesn’t have to take a long time. You can walk away from just one appointment with a better smile. Here are some of the fast treatments using non-invasive techniques that are available.

Whitening teeth
If you’re considering making over your smile, one of the quickest and simplest places to start is teeth whitening. In as little as one hour in a professional setting, you can transform your look by brightening your smile more effectively than trying it at home. Whitening products sold for home use are not as strong as professional methods, so it takes a longer period of consistent use to brighten your teeth only a shade or two. Professional whitening uses stronger concentrations of bleaching agents and a special light to hasten the process, and achieves dramatic results.

Removing white spots
Unsightly white spots that you might see on your teeth are signs of demineralization under your tooth enamel. A smile makeover can include using resin infiltration, which is a non-invasive procedure that can effectively treat white spots. You can say goodbye to the spots in as little as thirty minutes of treatment time. Teeth whitening is not advised, as it can make white spots even more noticeable.

Reshaping teeth
Minor flaws like chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth can be corrected with contouring. Small areas of your teeth can be shaved or tooth-colored resin can be applied to alter the length or shape of teeth. Tooth contouring can take as little as a half hour, and is great for those with healthy teeth that just need slight alterations for appearance purposes.

Repairing chips or gaps
Dental bonding is a simple procedure that hides gaps, chips, stains, or spacing problems. Tooth-colored resin is sculpted onto the tooth to provide a more appealing smile in only about an hour.

Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your appointment today at our Clintonville dental office.

Making the Decision to Whiten Your Teeth

Have you ever wondered if your smile could be brighter? Have you considered teeth whitening, but just aren’t sure if it’s appropriate for you? People are born with different shades of teeth, but over time, other factors can affect the color of the enamel. The color of your teeth may have changed due to the following:

  • Pigment-rich food and beverages such as cola, wine, juice, berries, candy, and ketchup are just several examples of foods that may darken your teeth.
  • Cigarette smoking and chewing tobacco are known to cause yellowing of teeth.
  • Certain medications can result in tooth darkening. These offenders include some antibiotics, high blood pressures medicines, antipsychotic drugs and certain antihistamines.
  • Chemotherapy or radiation treatments can cause teeth to change colors.
  • Enamel wears away as you age, and teeth acquire a build-up of tartar and stains that darken your teeth.
  • Excessive fluoride use either from your water, fluoride supplements, toothpaste or rinses can cause teeth to yellow.
  • Trauma caused by a fall or blow to the mouth can damage nerves and cause teeth to permanently brown or blacken.
  • Poor oral hygiene or avoiding regular dental care can cause teeth to turn unwelcome colors.

While some of these causes may make whitening more difficult, talk to a qualified dentist in Clintonville about the best option for meeting your whitening goals. The general rule of thumb is for your teeth to closely match the shade of the whites of your eyes. Teeth that are too white will look unnatural, so if you choose professional whitening, you should consult with your dental professional about how to achieve the most natural result. In cooperation with your dentist, making the decision to undergo professional teeth whitening could mean you will soon be facing the world with a brighter, whiter smile.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Instant Orthodontics (aka Porcelain Veneers)

In today’s world, having a fantastic smile can impact your personal and professional successes. People notice right away the warmth and vitality your smile can convey. Unfortunately, most individuals don’t naturally have a perfect set of teeth. With orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign, you can attain a uniform, attractive appearance.

Often, patients inquire about “instant orthodontics,” a term that describes the cosmetic application of porcelain veneers to create the illusion of a straight smile. Designed to mimic the translucency of enamel, porcelain veneers can transform a worn-out smile into a sensational, new image. Because veneers are a cosmetic procedure, the term “instant orthodontics” is actually misleading.

Porcelain veneers can correct the appearance of front teeth and make your smile look amazing. If you have alignment issues, crowding, or bite problems, porcelain veneers will only cover the imperfections without addressing the root problem.

It’s important to consider the long-term goals and implications of choosing a cosmetic procedure. Veneers are a great way to deal with slight flaws in your smile, including chips, small gaps, and discolorations. However, you need orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign clear aligners to correct the position of your teeth.

Invisalign can not only enhance your appearance, but also improve your oral health since straighter teeth are easier to clean and floss. You should schedule a consultation with the dental team at Brown, Reynolds & Snow, who can evaluate your teeth and bite before making recommendations about the most effective treatment for your desired results.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Make the Most of Your Dental Visits

Seeing your dentist twice a year is an important part of keeping your oral health in good condition. While this activity may not top the list of fun things to do, a dental visit doesn’t have to make you miserable either. With a little planning, you can ensure that your dental visit is a positive experience.

• Find the right dentist.

Selecting a dentist that you feel comfortable with will go a long way towards creating a good dental visit. At Brown, Reynolds & Snow, we understand that finding doctors with broad knowledge and expertise in all areas of dentistry will provide you with that extra incentive and confidence in seeking the smile you have always desired.

• Provide all the facts

Your dentist can do a better job meeting your needs if you are up front about any concerns you have or any problems you have been experiencing.

• Take care of your mouth

If you don’t brush and floss regularly, you are setting yourself up to fail. Good home care can prevent problems like gum disease and tooth decay from developing, which will save you extra time in the dental chair.

• Schedule routine exams

When you don’t see a dentist for years, your mouth won’t be in the best condition. Visiting the dentist twice a year ensures that you get professional cleanings and it allows the doctor to watch for signs of trouble.

• Try to relax

Deep breathing exercises or mediation may calm your nerves. If you feel especially anxious about your dental visits, talk with the dentist about your fears, and see what options the practice has available to make you more comfortable.

Do not let another day go by without taking care of your dental needs. Request an appointment now at our Clintonville dental office!

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

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