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Manage Your Time With a Family Dentist

Life sometimes seems as though it is zipping by, and that time is running through our fingers at an alarming pace. If you have children, this seems to be more true every year. Multiple children can mean multiple schools, appointments, lessons, meetings and plans. If you are feeling like the family taxi service, you can take steps to simplify your life by finding a family dentist to serve the oral health needs of you and your entire family.

Family dental practices have arisen out of necessity for convenience of appointments and out of the outstanding dental treatments that can be achieved with a long-term relationship between a dentist and a patient. A dentist who has known a patient since childhood carries the knowledge of that patient’s teeth during formative years, and as a result, can offer the most complete treatment possible for that patient.

Several dentists for your family leaves you driving across town, from one place to another, stuck in traffic, putting wear and tear on your vehicle. Your time is too valuable to spend this way. A family dentist can make all of the appointments for your family in one block, sometimes congruently, making things so much more convenient for you.

Sometimes the most difficult parts of parenting occur in a waiting room. Children get bored and squirmy; they need to be up and moving, engaged in age-appropriate activities. No one understands this more than a family dentist. A family dentist will have a waiting area full of toys, games and books to occupy children. Because you also need some pampering, they will often have complimentary beverages like coffee, tea or water. Some have massage chairs, headphones or video screens with movies you can watch while you wait.

You deserve the comfort and convenience a family dentist will bring to you and your family as well as the excellent oral care you expect from any quality dentist.

We look forward to seeing you in our Clintonville dental office

Cosmetic Dentistry Options at Your Family Dentist

Due to the increased interest in cosmetic dentistry, many family dentists are becoming trained to offer more extensive procedures and treatments geared to improve the appearance of your smile. Many of these treatments are quick and painless, and can offer almost instant results. Some of the cosmetic dentistry options offered by your family dentist may include:

  • Professional teeth whitening to improve the color and brightness of dark, dingy, or discolored teeth
  • Placement of dental veneers to improve the look of gapped, stained, or crooked teeth
  • Replacement of old or unattractive metal fillings with more natural, tooth-colored materials
  • Placement of crowns and bridges to repair and replace missing or severely damaged teeth
  • Correction of small spaces or gaps between teeth by bonding with tooth-colored composite resin
  • Insertion of dental implants to replace missing teeth
  • Straightening of teeth and correction of bite problems with braces or Invisalign

Because your family dentist is already aware of your family’s dental history, it will be simple to recommend treatment plans. With this knowledge, your dentist can also quickly and expertly assess if you or other members of your family are suitable candidates for the procedures you are seeking. Your family dentist can perform all the same services as both a pediatric dentist and a general dentist, and will be able to address the cosmetic dental concerns of every member of your family. Family dentists can provide advice as to which procedures are age appropriate and give guidelines for when treatment is recommended.

If anyone in your family is not pleased with the appearance of their teeth, consult first with your family dentist to find out what cosmetic dental procedures and treatments are offered to improve the quality of their smile.

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Family Dentists for Every Stage of Life

Every member of your family needs a dedicated dental professional who is specialized in handling the oral health needs of each age group. Regular checkups, proper hygiene, and professional cleanings all contribute to a healthy and attractive smile.  Whether it’s the parents, kids, or grandparents, everyone should visit the family dentist.

Pediatric patients require special treatment based on their oral development as well as their emotional stages. Family dentists are familiar with the evolving needs of young patients, who grow from no teeth to baby teeth to permanent teeth. They teach children how to properly care for their teeth and gums, and advise on the do’s and don’ts related to diet and safety. The dentist and staff are also well-trained on keeping children happy and engaged while in the dental office. Family dentists can make kids feel comfortable and confident in the dentist’s chair so they’ll have a positive dental experience for life.

With adulthood comes challenges such as increased risk for gum disease, tooth loss, decay that may require root canal treatment, cavities that need replacement, and more. Even with good oral hygiene, normal wear and tear on the mouth can cause issues. That’s why regular checkups are important to catch problems early, plus professional cleanings to combat the signs of age and environment on the teeth. Issues like heart disease or diabetes are also more likely during the adult years, and can impact your oral health.

Older adults require regular dental care for their unique needs. Family dentists offer dental implants or dentures for missing teeth, and are experienced in dealing with dry mouth and other problems common with seniors. After having a long relationship with their family dentist, seniors are able to continue that into their later years so that they have the best oral health possible.

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What Can a Cosmetic Dentist Do For You?

Most people are not born with a perfect appearance. Some people turn to cosmetic surgery to correct or enhance the things they find unappealing about their looks. However, if cosmetic surgery is not on your agenda, cosmetic dentistry offers many procedures and treatments to quickly and successfully improve your appearance. Because your smile is usually the first impression you make on the world, fixing stains, cracks, gaps, and other imperfections can make a dramatic impact.

While many cosmetic dental procedures can be performed by your general dentist, a cosmetic dentist has a distinct advantage when you are seeking to improve your smile.

A cosmetic dentist makes it their business to have extensive knowledge and training in the treatments specific to improving the appearance of your teeth. Just a few of the procedures and treatments provided by a qualified cosmetic dentist include:

  • Dental implants
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental bridges
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Teeth straightening
  • Composite bonding
  • Teeth whitening
  • Dentures

In cooperation with a qualified cosmetic dentist, you can elect to have one or a combination of cosmetic dental treatments to perfect your smile. You may just need whitening to brighten and beautify your discolored teeth, or you may need whitening as well as bonding for gapped or chipped teeth. You may even need clear braces or veneers to straighten a crooked smile. A cosmetic dentist will have the knowledge to coordinate treatments to achieve the desired result with the least amount of time, discomfort, and complications. With the help of an experienced and qualified cosmetic dentist, you can improve not only your smile but the overall appearance you present to the world.

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Today’s cosmetic dentistry offers an extensive array of treatments and procedures to help restore a beautiful and healthy smile. While you may never have considered cosmetic dental procedures as a solution to your dental concerns, there are quite a few reasons you may want to consider for seeking cosmetic dental treatment:

  • Crooked, cracked or decayed teeth can be corrected through bonding, crowns, and veneers, returning your smile to its once vibrant and healthy appearance.
  • Decay and disease can cause you to lose teeth, creating gaps that hollow your face and age your appearance. Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide variety of options such as dental implants for restoring missing teeth, keeping your smile and face younger looking.
  • Teeth that have yellowed or discolored over time due to wine, tobacco or staining foods can be lightened up to ten shades with professional teeth whitening treatments performed by a qualified cosmetic dentist.
  • “Horsey” looking teeth or “gummy” smiles can be corrected through gum re-contouring or restructuring to create a younger, more appealing smile.
  • Misaligned or gapped teeth can be straightened through orthodontia such as Invisalign that is virtually invisible and pain and hassle-free.

Some cosmetic treatments may be offered by your family dentist, but you may want to consider a consultation with a qualified cosmetic dentist to find out more about the full array of treatments available to address your cosmetic dental concerns. Many procedures are quick and painless, and can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to achieve the results you desire. With the help of cosmetic dentistry and proper oral care, you can be assured a confident, more perfect smile.

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

Considerations for a Smile Makeover

The process of improving your appearance through oral changes is called a smile makeover. A wide variety of cosmetic procedures can be performed so that you’ll be happier and more confident about your smile. There are many factors that a cosmetic dentist considers when helping you decide upon your ideal smile. Since it is a completely customized process, your dentist will ask your goals and provide recommendations based on your personal characteristics.

Alignment and spacing

Gapped, crooked, or overcrowded teeth can be aligned and straightened, often through dental veneers or orthodontics. Options for braces have expanded to include less visible approaches such as Invisalign.

Tooth color

Discolored teeth can be the sign of age or habits like consuming dark foods or smoking. Bright, white teeth suggest a more youthful look that can improve your whole appearance. This can be achieved in a smile makeover through professional teeth whitening or dental veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will help you choose the shade that best complements the color and tone of your face and hair, helping you achieve the right balance. You might also choose to have silver fillings replaced with tooth-colored composite so that they are no longer noticeable in your smile.

Tooth length

Aging can cause your teeth to wear down and become shorter, giving you a gummy smile that tends to make you look older than you are. A smile makeover can offer lengthening and reshaping of your teeth through bonding or veneers. Another option is having your gum line modified with laser dentistry so that your teeth appear longer. Altering the length of your teeth to accent your face more appropriately can be a big improvement to your features.

Missing teeth

Gaps in your smile due to missing teeth affects the appearance and function of your mouth, also creating greater risk for tooth decay and tooth shifting. Some smile makeover choices for restoring missing teeth are dental implants, partial dentures, or bridges.

Facial features

The entire shape and look of your face can be improved with certain smile makeover techniques. Examples are oral maxillofacial surgery or orthodontics. Your cosmetic dentist can make suggestions and sometimes even create computer images to show you possible outcomes.

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

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Clintonville, OH 43214

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.