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Harmful Habits That Could Hurt Your Teeth

Many people think all that’s required to maintain good dental health is to floss and brush regularly. Unfortunately certain oral habits can negatively affect teeth, causing substantial damage. Trying to quit or at least curb these habits will help keep your teeth healthy and strong. Habits to avoid include:

Chewing Ice Cubes
Most of us have crunched on an ice cube on a hot summer’s day and thought nothing of it. Teeth are covered in a hard substance called enamel, but continually biting on items such as ice cubes or chewing on pencils and pens can eventually cause tiny fractures in teeth. Over time these fractures will become larger and you might require costly restorative work.

Nail Biting
Nail biting damages your nails and your teeth. You risk chipping or fracturing teeth, especially if they have been bonded or veneered. In addition, every time you put your fingers in your mouth you are transferring bacteria, increasing the risk of illness and infection.

Over Brushing Teeth
Some people think the harder they scrub their teeth the cleaner they will become. In fact you don’t need to brush your teeth particularly hard, and it’s best to choose a soft bristled toothbrush. Ask your family dentist in Clintonville if you’re not quite sure which brush is best.

Clenching and Grinding Teeth
Clenching and grinding is also known as bruxism and can cause teeth to become worn down, chipped and damaged, or may even lead to them becoming loose. The damage caused by bruxism can extend to your face, head and neck, and sufferers will often have headaches. Your general dentist in Clintonville can provide you with a custom-made night guard to prevent your teeth from biting together while you sleep.

Overusing Whitening Products
Most of us want to have a healthy white smile, and tooth whitening is one way to achieve this. Unfortunately some people take this too far and will overuse whitening products, causing tooth sensitivity and damaging tooth enamel. It’s best to book a professional tooth whitening treatment for the brightest and safest results.

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

What Your Diet Means to Your Mouth

What you eat and drink can affect your oral health. A balanced diet will boost your body’s natural immune system, helping to lower your risks for oral problems. There are also certain foods and drinks that you should avoid in order to pave the way for healthy gums and strong teeth. Read on to learn how to ensure that your smile is safe and strong.

Cut down on snacks
Try to limit snacking between meals. The more often you eat, the more bacteria is stimulated and more acid is created. It is especially harmful to snack on sweet or starchy foods, which can harm your teeth and gums more quickly.

Limit sugar
Avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar. It can stick to your teeth and if not removed promptly and thoroughly, can lead to tooth decay.

Watch what you drink
Drink plenty of water, and avoid sodas and fruit juices. Both of these can be sugary and acidic, which can harm your tooth enamel and cause decay.

Maintain a healthy diet
Try to eat a balanced diet consisting of the five major food groups. A well-balanced diet provides the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your teeth and gums need. Fresh vegetables and fruits, and foods rich in calcium, are good choices for your oral health.

Practice good oral hygiene
Contact our Clintonville dental office to learn about good dental hygiene techniques that will help you prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily, and see your dentist for regular checkups.

If you live in the Clintonville area contact us today

Treat Yourself to a New Smile

The changing seasons can prompt many people to want to change their appearance, perhaps through treating themselves to a brand-new smile. Your dentist in Clintonville can provide a number of different cosmetic dentistry and restorative treatments to help provide a beautifully healthy and natural looking smile.

Cosmetic and Restorative Options
Modern dentistry techniques are extremely sophisticated and your dentist can do a lot to improve your smile. Possible options include porcelain veneers that cover the front surfaces of your teeth, crowns to restore teeth damaged by tooth decay or trauma, dental bonding that helps improve the shape of the tooth in just one easy visit, and enamel reshaping to correct minor issues such as slightly overlapping teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth, transforming a gappy smile into something far more pleasing.

Teeth Whitening
Professional teeth whitening can quickly brighten up your smile, creating a youthful and healthy appearance. Your dentist in Clintonville can offer you in-office whitening that will lift the shade of your teeth in just an hour. If you prefer, you can have custom made whitening trays to use at home. Your dentist will provide you with the correct strength of whitening gel to safely bleach your teeth.

Teeth Straightening
It’s never too late to straighten your teeth and adult orthodontics is increasingly popular. Ask your dentist about Invisalign clear braces that will discreetly straighten your smile without really affecting day-to-day activities.

Checkups and Professional Cleanings
Your first step should be to schedule an appointment for a checkup and professional cleaning. Your dentist will need to examine your mouth to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy before carrying out any cosmetic dentistry treatments. They’ll discuss the type of options that might help you, and can compile a treatment plan to improve your smile. A professional cleaning removes tartar buildup and gives your smile an added sparkle. It’s a great treatment for keeping teeth and gums healthy.

If you live in the Clintonville area contact us today

Cosmetic Dentistry Not Just for Women

Often, advertising for cosmetic dentistry focuses on women. Photos in magazines and on Web sites show attractive females with gorgeous smiles. Although these campaigns often target women, men can benefit from cosmetic dentistry too.

Professionally and personally, men have just as many reasons as women do to look their best. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Having a vibrant, white smile can create a perception of self-assurance, intelligence, and warmth. Men who have cosmetic dental enhancements can enjoy the benefits of looking younger and feeling more confident.

Though you can opt for a total smile makeover, you don’t have to change everything to update your appearance. For a minimal investment, teeth whitening can make you look years younger. If you want to straighten teeth, talk with your dentist about Invisalign clear braces. Porcelain veneers can cover imperfections on front teeth and reveal a gorgeous, new image.

Not only can rejuvenating your smile boost your confidence, but it can also improve your oral health. Crooked teeth are actually harder to clean, which can lead to gum disease or decay. As well, small cavities can lead to the need for crowns or root canals if left untreated.

To enhance your smile, first find a cosmetic dentist you can trust. Talk with friends, relatives, and colleagues to get recommendations. Once you find the right person, schedule a consultation so that you can meet with the doctor and share your ideas. Why wait any longer to enjoy a sensational smile?

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

Who Could Benefit from Dental Veneers?

Lots of people feel self-conscious about smiling, and problems with their teeth can make them hesitant to talk and laugh with others. Veneers are an easy way to transform teeth, and to get that gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted. Dental veneers are made from very thin pieces of porcelain or composite resin and fit tightly over the front surfaces of your teeth. They can mask many different types of imperfections and are a great way to improve the appearance of your smile.

In spite of this, veneers are not suitable for everyone. Your cosmetic dentist in Clintonville can help you decide if veneers are the best choice of treatment, or if another solution might be more appropriate. This procedure is not usually reversible so it’s important to be sure before your teeth are prepared for veneers. The following guidelines will help you determine if dental veneers are right for you.

Tooth Decay
Teeth that are decayed or which have already been filled are weaker and less able to support veneers. In this case you may be better off considering dental crowns that completely cover up decayed teeth right down to the gum line.

Gum Disease
You will need to have a full checkup with your dentist in Clintonville prior to having veneers. If you have any signs of gum disease then this condition must be treated first. It’s important to be in good oral health before your veneers are fitted.

Bad Oral Habits
Nail-biting, biting on ice cubes and teeth grinding can all damage veneers. If you have any of these habits then you’ll need to quit if you want your restorations to last.

Misaligned Teeth
If your teeth are quite crooked or misaligned, consider consulting an orthodontist to decide if braces are a better solution. It could be that once your teeth are straightened you’ll no longer need veneers. Dental veneers are not meant to correct severely misaligned or crooked teeth.

Questions and Answers about Dentures

An estimated 50 million Americans have lost all their teeth, and 69 percent of adults are missing at least one tooth. Without a full set of teeth, you may deal with alignment problems, dietary restrictions, and self-esteem issues. With modern dentures, your dentist can renew your appearance and improve oral health.

Dentures are prosthetic appliances created to replace missing teeth. Full dentures are rows of false teeth that cover the upper, lower, or both arches. If you still have some of your natural teeth, your dentist may suggest a partial denture, which fits into the empty space in your smile like a puzzle piece.

How do dentures feel?
At first, your prosthesis may take some getting used to, so give your mouth time to adjust. You may have some difficulty with pronunciation, but that will pass.

Will my dentures need to be replaced?
As we age, our mouth tissues change. Over time, your dentures may need to be repositioned, realigned, or entirely remade. Never make changes to your appliance; contact your dentist if something doesn’t seem right.

How do I care for my dentures?
To protect your dental appliance, handle the denture with care. When you take the device out, always store it safely in its case. Gently clean your dentures with mild soap and water to remove bacteria. Make sure to put the denture out of reach from small children or pets.

Do I still need to brush if I have dentures?
Absolutely. Your gums still need proper oral care, so brush them twice daily to keep the tissue healthy.

We offer dentures at our Clintonville dental office

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.