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How Do You Define the Perfect Smile?

Movie stars and celebrities often have stunningly beautiful smiles that immediately catch your eye. In recent years cosmetic dentistry has become far more popular, and many people want to emulate the smiles of famous people to help boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Your dentist in Clintonville can transform a perfectly ordinary smile into something spectacular, often using a combination of techniques. A smile makeover can involve teeth whitening, tooth colored fillings and porcelain veneers, and a skilled and experienced cosmetic dentist will restore damaged teeth, rebuilding a smile. Patients can invest as much or as little as they wish in updating their teeth.

When deciding on a smile makeover, it can help to define your idea of a perfect smile. Think about particular characteristics of your teeth you would like to change, for example teeth that are crooked or which have spaces in between them. Could your teeth look a little whiter?

Popular cosmetic dentistry treatments can include:

  • Dental implants to replace missing teeth
  • Invisalign clear braces to discreetly straighten teeth
  • Porcelain crowns and fillings to replace old restorations
  • Porcelain veneers to create a uniformly stunning smile

Deciding how you’d like to improve your smile will give you a good starting point for treatment. You can discuss your goals during your initial meeting with your cosmetic dentist in Clintonville, and they can describe possible treatment options. Many people collect photographs of smiles they admire, and this can be helpful for your dentist to compile your treatment plan. Just remember everyone’s smile is unique, and treatment will be customized to fit in with your facial features, skin tone, gender and age.

If you live in the Clintonville area contact us today

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

There are many types of cosmetic dental procedures, from teeth whitening to porcelain veneers. While some procedures like veneers require little to no advance preparation, some procedures require more forethought. Make the most of your visit by making the right preparations.

All cosmetic dental procedures should begin with a discussion with your dentist. Your dentist is skilled and experienced. Your dentist best knows your teeth and your dental needs and can give you the advice you need. Some common cosmetic dental procedures and how to prepare for them are explained below.

Teeth whitening: Cleaning your teeth before a tooth whitening treatment will help you achieve better results. If you clean the plaque and tartar off of the tooth surface, the whitening will affect the entire surface of the tooth. Be sure to look at a shade guide before your procedure to establish your existing tooth color and to choose your goal shade. Teeth whitening is not recommended for expectant or nursing mothers, as the effects of the whitening chemicals on unborn children or infants has not been explored.

Oral surgery: Many cosmetic dentistry procedures involve some type of oral surgery. To prepare for your surgery, follow all of the instructions of your surgeon. Make transportation arrangements, as you may not be able to drive. Get your medication in advance, so you will be prepared to take your pain medication or antibiotics immediately following your procedure instead of having to wait and possibly endure pain. Follow all of your pre-op instructions, including any diet restrictions. Plan your recovery diet beforehand, so you will have a variety of healthy, appropriate foods available to you.

Braces: Before braces are applied to your teeth, you will need a full check-up to look for decay or problems with your gums. After application or adjustment, your mouth may be sore. Treat this with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Because braces may chafe initially against your teeth and gums, have some specialized wax available to place over the bracket to help shield your mouth until your tongue and cheeks adjust.

Do you live in Clintonville or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

Restoring Confidence with a Smile Makeover

An unattractive smile can make you feel uncomfortable and lower your self-esteem. Being embarrassed about the appearance of your mouth can make social and professional situations difficult. This calls for a smile makeover. Cosmetic dentists can help you transform your look and give you back the confidence you’ve lost due to a lackluster smile. A smile makeover offers many ways to help you achieve your goals.

Whitening teeth
Aging combined with certain habits can take a toll on your teeth, leaving them dingy and yellow. Drinking coffee or red wine and maintaining habits like smoking all can be culprits of an embarrassing smile. Professional teeth whitening methods provide a fast and effective way to turn your smile around.

Eliminating gaps
Although some celebrities embrace gaps in their smiles, many people consider them a reason to hide their teeth. Traditional braces, clear aligners, and veneers are each effective ways to get rid of gaps that you don’t like.

Repairing decay
Not only is tooth decay unattractive, it can be painful and negatively impact your overall health. Treatment may involve fillings, crowns, root canal therapy, or even tooth extraction. If removal of the tooth is necessary, dental implants are a popular restoration choice.

Repairing chips and cavities
Chips in your teeth may be easily repaired using techniques like contouring or bonding. Cavities can also be attractively filled using white composite material that is not noticeable in your smile, yet effectively takes care of cavities.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Achieving the Wow Factor with Cosmetic Dentistry

There are many things you can do that will improve your look, such as a new hairstyle or diet. But have you thought about the dramatic effects changing your smile might have on your appearance? Cosmetic dentistry was established to make you more beautiful and confident with a winning smile.

Cosmetic dentists offer a wide variety of ways to alter your smile that can affect your whole appearance. It’s amazing what straight, white, fully restored teeth can do for a person. Here are some popular treatments offered through cosmetic dentistry.

Teeth whitening
Things like aging, eating dark foods, and smoking contribute to a dingy smile. Cosmetic dentists can brighten your smile right away using professional whitening techniques. Often in just an hour, you can have a brilliant smile to wow all your friends.

Dental veneers
Thin porcelain shells may be securely adhered to the front surfaces of your teeth. Cracks, misalignments, discolorations, chips and misshapen teeth will all disappear under your dental veneers. They are customized just for you, even down to the exact shade of white you desire, so that you end up with the smile you’ve always wanted.

Cosmetic dentists can repair many minor teeth issues with dental bonding. Composite resin material is typically used to fill in chips, spaces, stains, cracks and fractures. Bonding lasts for years with proper oral hygiene.

To restore your tooth appearance and function, a crown is placed over a damaged tooth. It may be a tooth that is worn down, discolored, weak or otherwise compromised. Also, crowns are used as part of the process with dental implants, bridges or root canals. These restorations are made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, or resin.

Used to replace missing teeth, bridges are also called fixed partial dentures. These are usually made from gold, alloys, or a combination of these materials.

In addition to orthodontists, many cosmetic dentists can provide braces to straighten your teeth, repair an irregular bite, or reposition your jaw. Options include metals, ceramic, or plastic and some choices are even invisible in your smile.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Don’t Be Afraid of a Smile Makeover

Does your smile need some work? Are you sensitive about your teeth and how you may look while you eat or drink? Does speaking in public leave you anxious because you’re worried about the appearance of your teeth? Have you been putting off talking to a cosmetic dentist because you’re worried about the dental therapies you might need? Don’t be afraid of a smile makeover! A smile makeover can be a simple thing, as minor and fast as teeth whitening, a process that can often be completed in-office in a single visit.

If you are looking for solutions to your smile problems, begin by finding a skilled cosmetic dentist. You want to be sure to see photographs of some of the actual work done by a particular cosmetic dentist. Don’t assume that what you see online are actual patient photographs – they may be someone’s patients, but if they weren’t this dentist’s patients, you’re not getting any closer to identifying the right cosmetic dentist for you.

Ask around for private recommendations from friends and family; it might surprise you how many people you know have had work done to their smiles. You might assume that your coworker’s smile is all natural, only to learn it’s the result of a skilled cosmetic dentist and veneer work done so carefully and well that they look just like natural teeth.

Dental veneers can transform your smile in only a few visits. Good veneers will be made of materials that mimic the color and translucency of natural teeth. They won’t look puffy, too long or artificial and will complement your hair and skin color. Orthodontia can change the alignment of your teeth, with choices such as Invisalign to help you feel more confident as you change your smile.

A smile makeover can benefit you in so many ways by simply boosting your self-confidence. After you complete your treatment, you will be surprised at how much better you feel about yourself and about life in general. You will face the day with confidence, knowing you can live your life without worry about your smile.

Dr. Hughes is a cosmetic dentist in Clintonville offering smile makeovers.

Is Your Smile Aging You?

The first impression you make on the world often starts with your smile. Dingy, dull, crooked or chipped teeth create the appearance of an “old” smile, making you look older than your actual years. Restoring your smile’s youthful look is an easy way to subtract years from the image you portray to the world. Thanks to advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, your smile can appear as young as you feel.

As tooth enamel thins with age, teeth lose their shine and appear darker. Thin enamel also causes teeth to weaken, making them easier to chip and causing wear and shifting. Cosmetic dentistry offers many procedures and treatments to address these problems and help return your smile to a younger, more vibrant state. Just a few options you may want to consider include:

  • Professional teeth whitening to improve the color of teeth that have been darkened by stains or discolored from age.
  • Porcelain veneers and bonding to correct gaps, chips, and teeth with uneven lengths. Veneers can also reshape teeth, restoring the youthful appearance created by longer teeth. Veneers can also be used to build up your back teeth to support the cheekbones, replacing the fullness lost with aging and giving your face the appearance of a “lift”.
  • Orthodontia with either clear or traditional braces corrects the misalignment caused by teeth that shift as you age.

If your desire is to look as youthful as you feel, cosmetic dentistry may be a perfect solution to address the problems of an aging smile. Many procedures can be completed in as little as one office visit, with little to no recovery time. Consult with a qualified cosmetic dentist to find out how you can achieve a younger, more perfect smile.

Schedule your appointment at our Clintonville dental office

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

Call: (614) 268-5250

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.