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Crooked Teeth Call for a Smile Makeover

A set of crooked teeth can make you self-conscious in interacting with others and may cause you to hide your smile instead of showing your emotions with confidence. There are many reasons that you might have misshapen or misaligned teeth. Decay, cavities, poor development or nutrition, hereditary factors, or bad habits like teeth grinding or tongue thrusting can all play a role. If you have a crooked smile for any reason, a smile makeover may be the perfect answer.

A dentist can provide many options for correcting misaligned teeth, and the best methods depend on the degree of your issues. Every patient is different and can benefit from varying techniques.

The most well-known way to correct crooked teeth is probably orthodontics. Traditional metal braces have been around for many years and are a proven way to straighten teeth and realign jaws. Braces involve attaching metal brackets and wires to the teeth with glue, and tightening them at regular intervals over a period of time that can last up to a couple of years or more. Because many patients dislike the look and hassles of metal braces, Invisalign has been developed to straighten teeth without such an obvious impact to your appearance while undergoing treatment. These invisible, removable, plastic aligners provide a popular way to straighten smiles.

Another choice for improving your smile is dental veneers. These very thin shells made of porcelain or ceramic can be bonded to the fronts of your teeth to hide flaws underneath. Veneers create a natural look that is in the shade you desire, and quickly transform your smile into the one you’ve always wanted.

Minor changes to crooked teeth can be made with simple reshaping of teeth. Gentle abrasion and polishing of the teeth can make them appear straighter and more attractive. Reshaping may be combined with bonding, which involves applying resin to the tooth and sculpting it to the desired look. These are both very quick and painless ways to improve your smile.

Do not let another day go by without taking care of your dental needs. Request an appointment now at our Clintonville dental office!

Cosmetic Dentistry Not Just for Women

Often, advertising for cosmetic dentistry focuses on women. Photos in magazines and on Web sites show attractive females with gorgeous smiles. Although these campaigns often target women, men can benefit from cosmetic dentistry too.

Professionally and personally, men have just as many reasons as women do to look their best. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Having a vibrant, white smile can create a perception of self-assurance, intelligence, and warmth. Men who have cosmetic dental enhancements can enjoy the benefits of looking younger and feeling more confident.

Though you can opt for a total smile makeover, you don’t have to change everything to update your appearance. For a minimal investment, teeth whitening can make you look years younger. If you want to straighten teeth, talk with your dentist about Invisalign clear braces. Porcelain veneers can cover imperfections on front teeth and reveal a gorgeous, new image.

Not only can rejuvenating your smile boost your confidence, but it can also improve your oral health. Crooked teeth are actually harder to clean, which can lead to gum disease or decay. As well, small cavities can lead to the need for crowns or root canals if left untreated.

To enhance your smile, first find a cosmetic dentist you can trust. Talk with friends, relatives, and colleagues to get recommendations. Once you find the right person, schedule a consultation so that you can meet with the doctor and share your ideas. Why wait any longer to enjoy a sensational smile?

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

Who Could Benefit from Dental Veneers?

Lots of people feel self-conscious about smiling, and problems with their teeth can make them hesitant to talk and laugh with others. Veneers are an easy way to transform teeth, and to get that gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted. Dental veneers are made from very thin pieces of porcelain or composite resin and fit tightly over the front surfaces of your teeth. They can mask many different types of imperfections and are a great way to improve the appearance of your smile.

In spite of this, veneers are not suitable for everyone. Your cosmetic dentist in Clintonville can help you decide if veneers are the best choice of treatment, or if another solution might be more appropriate. This procedure is not usually reversible so it’s important to be sure before your teeth are prepared for veneers. The following guidelines will help you determine if dental veneers are right for you.

Tooth Decay
Teeth that are decayed or which have already been filled are weaker and less able to support veneers. In this case you may be better off considering dental crowns that completely cover up decayed teeth right down to the gum line.

Gum Disease
You will need to have a full checkup with your dentist in Clintonville prior to having veneers. If you have any signs of gum disease then this condition must be treated first. It’s important to be in good oral health before your veneers are fitted.

Bad Oral Habits
Nail-biting, biting on ice cubes and teeth grinding can all damage veneers. If you have any of these habits then you’ll need to quit if you want your restorations to last.

Misaligned Teeth
If your teeth are quite crooked or misaligned, consider consulting an orthodontist to decide if braces are a better solution. It could be that once your teeth are straightened you’ll no longer need veneers. Dental veneers are not meant to correct severely misaligned or crooked teeth.

Enjoy the Advantages of a Smile Makeover

Do you find yourself fading into the background at social events? Are you overlooked at meetings or in groups of people? Have you noticed that you don’t smile in photos? Are you uncomfortable eating, drinking or speaking because your teeth aren’t their best? Do you look at the beautiful smiles of those around you and wish you could have a similar smile?

When we meet someone for the first time, our smiles are often the first thing anyone notices. If your smile is less than its best, if it’s stained or unsightly, you could be making a bad first impression. These first impressions, whether valid or not, stick with people. A hesitant smile can signal low self-confidence or unhappiness. You could be projecting ill health or a lack of prosperity. Do you look friendly to others, or off-putting?

When you are confident about your smile, you can feel free to smile openly at others or for the camera. You can be more at ease about speaking up in public or at meetings at work. Don’t be stressed about that upcoming presentation or oral report. If you talk to your dentist today, you can begin enjoying the advantages a beautiful and bright smile can bring, beginning with your own self-confidence.

Talking to a cosmetic dentist can begin a path toward a short goal such as teeth whitening, or it can lead you to an orthodontist for alignment issues and orthodontia. Flaws such as cracks, chips or malformation can be easily corrected using resin composite materials. Larger problems such as tooth gaps or missing teeth can be corrected using dental implants or dental bridges. You might be suited for porcelain dental veneers for your therapy, or you may need a crown or two.

Your cosmetic dentist can help you plan for your dream smile. Your treatment might take one or two visits, or it might be ongoing, but beginning this smile makeover journey will never be something you regret. Begin enjoying the advantages a bright smile can bring you, both socially and professionally.

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Special Occasions

Most people have things about their smiles they’d like to fix. Maybe the things are minor or perhaps they are major, but most of them can be addressed with some form of cosmetic dentistry. You may have been unhappy for a while with the smile you see in the mirror, but just haven’t felt the necessary impetus to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist.

To get that jump start toward your dental treatment, look ahead in your life. Maybe you have a class reunion coming up, or maybe a friend’s wedding. Perhaps there’s a job interview, first date or anniversary approaching. These special occasions are all excellent reasons to turn to cosmetic dentistry treatments. Here are some of the most common procedures that could be used to transform your smile.

  • Teeth whitening – perhaps the most popular and common cosmetic dentistry procedure, it utilizes light-activated bleaching chemicals that can lighten natural teeth and remove stains and discoloration.
  • Dental veneers – very thin, wafer-shaped shells crafted out of porcelain or another material that are bonded onto the natural surface of the tooth. Sometimes a thin layer of the natural tooth enamel must be removed in order to accommodate the application of the veneer.
  • Dental bonding – composite resin mixed to match the color of your tooth and then molded by hand onto the tooth’s surface to create the illusion of a complete natural tooth.
  • Dental crowns – restorative dental therapy that protects and preserves a natural tooth that has had a root canal treatment.
  • Enameloplasty – the correction of malformations of a natural tooth through hand-shaping. This is also the name for the removal of the tooth’s surface required for most types of dental veneers.

All of these cosmetic treatments will transform your smile for that special occasion. Get the bright, straight, white smile you want people to remember with the help of a little cosmetic dentistry.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Clintonville dental office to schedule your consultation!

Why Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?

Though most people take their kids to the pediatrician or visit a dermatologist when they have skin issues, few people look for a cosmetic dentist to perform smile enhancements. Many individuals assume their family dentist can complete the updates they desire. If you want to change your dental appearance, you should consider the benefits of selecting a cosmetic dentist.

A cosmetic dentist can offer the following advantages:

Advanced Training
If a dentist specializes in cosmetic dentistry, he or she will likely have taken post-graduate classes that focus on this area. Because cosmetic dentistry continues to change and evolve, choosing a cosmetic dentist will help you find a practitioner who is up-to-date on the latest advances.

Specialized Expertise
It may seem like anyone can place a filling or crown, but that isn’t always the case. When you need repair work on a front tooth or on any tooth visible when you smile, going with a cosmetic dentist can ensure that you keep your gorgeous appearance intact.

Artistic Vision
For individuals looking to completely makeover their smiles, a cosmetic dentist has the experience and creativity to produce amazing results. A good cosmetic dentist will meet with you to discuss your ideas, show you examples of other smile makeovers, and then customize a detailed plan for your smile transformation.

Do you live in Clintonville or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

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Clintonville, OH 43214

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.