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The Basics of Teeth Whitening

If you envy the stunning smiles of famous starlets and models, you can enhance your own appearance with teeth whitening. Your dentist can remove stains and reveal a brilliant, white smile with professional teeth whitening,. After teeth whitening, patients often restore their smile’s radiance, feel more confident, and look years younger. To decide if teeth whitening would work for you, review these questions and answers.

Who is a candidate for teeth whitening?
Though your dentist can determine whether you should consider teeth bleaching, anyone with surface stains from aging, lifestyle choices, or certain foods and beverages can erase discolorations with professional teeth whitening.

What options are available for whitening my teeth?
Many dentist offer both in-office and at-home teeth whitening. The in-office procedure produces immediate results and usually takes about an hour. Take-home whitening kits involve custom bleaching trays and generate sparkling smiles over a two to three week time frame.

Is teeth whitening safe?
If you choose professional teeth whitening, you can safely and effectively transform your appearance. Drugstore kits don’t contain the same level of bleaching agent and they aren’t monitored like professional products, so you may not achieve the desired outcome.

Will teeth whitening last?
With proper care that includes brushing, flossing, and routine checkups, you can enjoy a beautiful smile for years to come.

Do whitening toothpastes work?
For removal of mild surface stains, these products are somewhat effective, but they don’t actually contain bleach. Whitening toothpastes work on the principal of abrasion, so their rough ingredients rub off stains, providing only temporary brightness.

Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your appointment today at our Clintonville dental office.

Smile Makeovers After Quitting Smoking

If you have kicked the smoking habit, congratulations!!! Your whole body thanks you, including your mouth. Now that you’ve tossed your tobacco, you may need some extra dental care to help with any damage that was created by using tobacco.

Teeth cleaning
Even if you practiced good dental hygiene during the time you used tobacco products, the chemicals likely still stained and damaged your teeth. Schedule an appointment with your dentist for a thorough cleaning. Sometimes an even deeper cleaning is recommended to get rid of stubborn plaque and discoloration.

Examination for oral health problems
Your dentist will also examine your mouth for signs of gum disease and other problems. If any infection is present, antibiotics may be prescribed. Other issues like exposed roots or cavities may require further treatment such as root canals. You want to take care of problems right away so that your mouth function and your smile will get better instead of worse.

Cosmetic procedures
After your teeth have been professionally cleaned and treated as necessary, you may want to consider cosmetic procedures if you’re still unhappy with your smile. Professional teeth whitening may help brighten your smile, or you might need something like dental implants to replace any teeth that couldn’t be saved. Veneers might also be helpful if your teeth are too discolored from long years of tobacco use. Let your dentist know if you have any additional goals for your smile, because there are likely additional treatments that could benefit you.

Do not wait any longer. Book your appointment now and achieve the smile you have always wanted. Dr. Hughes is accepting new patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area.

Finding the Right Cosmetic Dentist

If you have decided to enhance your smile, you will need to select a good cosmetic dentist. Having an excellent practitioner to transform your appearance can make all the difference. It’s important to choose a cosmetic dentist that you trust and who you feel will produce exceptional results.

Keep these questions in mind as you search for a cosmetic dentist:

Does the dentist have extensive cosmetic training?
Just as you wouldn’t see your family doctor to perform knee replacement surgery, you shouldn’t choose a general dentist with little cosmetic experience to update your smile. Look at the dentist’s bio and find out what organizations he or she is affiliated with, like the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry or Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.

How many smile makeovers has the dentist completed?
Cosmetic dentistry combines art with science, so you want to select a dentist with both technical skill and a good eye for detail. Developing this talent takes years of practice; you don’t need to be part of the trial and error phase.

Can the dentist provide examples and photos of finished cases?
An experienced cosmetic dentist should have plenty of Before and After photos for you to look through and see if you like the results. Make sure to verify that any pictures you see in the office are of actual patients and not just stock photos.

What do patients say about the dentist’s work?
Not only should you ask for patient referrals, but use the Internet as a good resource. With review Web sites and social media sites like Facebook, you should be able to find unbiased patient opinions about any dentist you are considering.

Cosmetic dentist in Clintonville

Many Ways to Improve your Smile

Regardless of what aspect you dislike about your smile, there are cosmetic dentistry procedures to treat them. Smile makeovers are possible to give you the look you’ve been wanting. Not only do they enhance your smile, but they also boost your confidence. You may not know all the options and the problems they address. So here’s a list that can help you decide which of them is relevant to you.

Tooth discoloration
Teeth can easily become discolored from poor hygiene due to consuming foods and drinks such as coffee, red wine, berries, and tea. Smoking is a big culprit for tooth discoloration. Teeth whitening is the most common way to brighten your smile, and various methods are available either at home or professionally.

Teeth that are crowded or malaligned are not only unappealing; they can also make oral hygiene management more difficult and cause added stress on your jaw. Traditional braces, clear methods like Invisalign, crowns, and porcelain veneers are various ways misalignment might be treated. Discuss with your dentist that of those options is best for you.

Spaces between your teeth can be embarrassing socially, as well as detrimental to the function of your teeth. Braces or Invisalign are excellent ways to correct gaps. Veneers are another option depending on how large your gaps are. Those are alternatives to cater for your budget.

Gummy smile
Excessive amounts of your gums show when you smile can create what is known as a gummy smile. Treatments may include gum sculpting, veneers, crowns, braces, or surgery.

Missing teeth
Smile restoration can be done with dental implants, bridges, or dentures. Each of these solutions has their good and bad aspects. Therefore, consult your dentist for advice before deciding on it.

Worn-down teeth
If untreated, worn teeth can cause tooth loss or dental health problems. Teeth that are damaged can often be restored with either veneers or crowns.

We look forward to seeing you in our Clintonville dental office

How to Deal with Tetracycline-Stained Teeth

Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to treat infection. While it works to fight certain illnesses, it can have a negative impact on your smile. If tetracycline is taken by pregnant women or by children while their teeth are still forming, the teeth will develop with dark stains. Usually, this medication produces brown or grayish discolorations that may cover all or part of the teeth.

People with tetracycline stains may feel self-conscious about their smiles. Your dentist can evaluate your case and discuss options for creating a gorgeous, new image. Treatments such as teeth whitening or porcelain veneers can remove stains and restore your smile.

In the past, teeth whitening was not a very effective therapy for tetracycline stains on teeth. Because the stains are intrinsic, which means they occur within the tooth, whitening didn’t always produce results. However, repeated chair side laser whitening sessions and deep bleaching products have worked in cases where the staining was not particularly dark.

The most common treatment with tetracycline stains is porcelain veneers. Made from thin shells of dental porcelain, veneers cover your teeth and produce a bright, white smile. Porcelain veneers are durable, stain-resistant, and designed to create naturally looking restorations.

With veneers, your doctor will first take impressions of your teeth to be sent to the dental lab that will handcraft your custom restorations. The dentist will then prepare the teeth for placement. Often, the dentist will place temporary veneers, which will give you a chance to preview your new look. Once the lab sends your permanent veneers to the office, you will need to return for minor adjustments and final placement.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Clintonville dental office now and experience personalized care.

Treat Yourself to a New Smile

The changing seasons can prompt many people to want to change their appearance, perhaps through treating themselves to a brand-new smile. Your dentist in Clintonville can provide a number of different cosmetic dentistry and restorative treatments to help provide a beautifully healthy and natural looking smile.

Cosmetic and Restorative Options
Modern dentistry techniques are extremely sophisticated and your dentist can do a lot to improve your smile. Possible options include porcelain veneers that cover the front surfaces of your teeth, crowns to restore teeth damaged by tooth decay or trauma, dental bonding that helps improve the shape of the tooth in just one easy visit, and enamel reshaping to correct minor issues such as slightly overlapping teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth, transforming a gappy smile into something far more pleasing.

Teeth Whitening
Professional teeth whitening can quickly brighten up your smile, creating a youthful and healthy appearance. Your dentist in Clintonville can offer you in-office whitening that will lift the shade of your teeth in just an hour. If you prefer, you can have custom made whitening trays to use at home. Your dentist will provide you with the correct strength of whitening gel to safely bleach your teeth.

Teeth Straightening
It’s never too late to straighten your teeth and adult orthodontics is increasingly popular. Ask your dentist about Invisalign clear braces that will discreetly straighten your smile without really affecting day-to-day activities.

Checkups and Professional Cleanings
Your first step should be to schedule an appointment for a checkup and professional cleaning. Your dentist will need to examine your mouth to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy before carrying out any cosmetic dentistry treatments. They’ll discuss the type of options that might help you, and can compile a treatment plan to improve your smile. A professional cleaning removes tartar buildup and gives your smile an added sparkle. It’s a great treatment for keeping teeth and gums healthy.

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