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You Can Look Younger With Cosmetic Dentistry

Special occasions like class reunions and weddings where photos are going to be taken are important. You will want to look your best, especially when you look back on the photos in years to come. When you look in your mirror, are you noticing that your smile seems less than its best? Could your look use some refreshing?

As time passes, our smiles age. Whether you realize it or not, your teeth are discoloring a little bit every day. Discoloration can come from the food we consume, such as blueberries, beets, blackberries, balsamic vinegar or soy sauce. Drinking tea, red wine, coffee or dark soda can also affect the brightness of your smile. Smoking leaves teeth looking yellow and dingy.

As well as discoloring, our teeth slowly wear away. The outer, whiter layer of enamel will thin with age, revealing the yellower layer of dentin underneath. The length of a tooth is also reduced with age as teeth wear away with natural, everyday use. Short, discolored teeth send a signal of old age whether we intend them to or not.

Composite bonding, porcelain or composite resin veneers and dental crowns can help you achieve a brighter, whiter, more even smile. Veneers can even correct gaps and hide chipped or malformed teeth. Dental implants can be an excellent solution to a missing tooth. A smile that is badly misaligned might require braces or some other kind of orthodontia to achieve optimal results.

Your cosmetic dentist can work with you to determine what steps should be taken to address your particular smile concerns and rejuvenate your smile, making you look younger and more refreshed. You will begin to see the positive responses from people who will be able to see you at your youthful best, allowing you to be your most confident, most comfortable self. The changes you make now can change your smile for years to come.

Schedule your appointment at our Clintonville dental office

Cosmetic Dentistry for That Special Occasion

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do crooked, gapped or missing teeth affect you socially and professionally? Do you wish you had received braces as a child? Do you desire a brighter, whiter smile? Have you been dreading some upcoming special occasion, worried about how you’ll look in the photos or in person? If you have any insecurities about your smile, talk to a cosmetic dentist. How you feel about your smile can change.
There are so many “little” reasons to take steps to improve your smile, but you may need a bigger occasion, something very special, to help you take that first step. Is there a class or family reunion coming up? Nothing erases the years like restoring your youthful, attractive smile. Leave them doing a double-take as they realize who you are and how good you look!

Are you about to get married? At no point in your life are you likely to have as many photos taken of you as you will on your wedding day. These photos are often cherished for generations, and should represent the best you possible.

Even occasions like job interviews or first dates can warrant having your smile spruced up. Your smile is a huge part of the first impression you make on the people you meet, and with a brighter, whiter, more even smile, you will meet those people with confidence, unafraid to eat, drink, talk or laugh in public.

Your cosmetic dentist can talk to you about bonding, which allows the dentist to restore the shape of the original tooth using tooth-colored resin composites. Cosmetic contouring reshapes your teeth to correct overlapping, chipped or cracked teeth, and teeth whitening can be used to brighten your smile. Dental veneers can be used to cover gaps, discolored or stained teeth, and missing or broken teeth.

Do you have a mouth full of metal fillings? Your cosmetic dentist can remove this unsightly metal and replace it with a cosmetic filling that matches the surrounding tooth. No one will know you have fillings!

Don’t wait to begin your journey with a cosmetic dentist. You can face that special occasion with confidence and an attractive smile.

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

Top Reasons to see a Cosmetic Dentist

A special area of dentistry has been formed that focuses on making your smile as flawless and appealing as possible. Cosmetic dentistry corrects imperfections that cause people to feel insecure and unhappy with their smiles. If you are one of those people, maybe it’s time to see a cosmetic dentist to give you back your smile and confidence. Here are some of the most common reasons for visiting a cosmetic dentist.

One of the biggest complaints that people have about their smile is the color of their teeth. Stains can cause your teeth to become yellow or brown with time, making your smile unattractive and embarrassing. Cosmetic dentists offer teeth whitening techniques that brighten your teeth, and can restore your pearly whites in just one appointment.

Gaps in your smile from missing teeth not only look awkward, they also make chewing and speaking more difficult. A cosmetic dentist can replace your missing teeth with dental implants, bridges, or dentures. Implants have become increasingly popular because they provide a permanent, comfortable, and natural-looking solution for missing teeth.

Cosmetic dentists can solve a variety of other imperfections that make you unhappy with your smile. Veneers improve the shape and color of your teeth by covering the fronts of your teeth with thin shells. Dental fillings and root canals resolve problems often linked to tooth decay. Crowns are used to cover an unhealthy tooth and restore its strength, shape, size, and appearance. They also may be used in conjunction with dental bridges to correct gaps in your smile.

There is no reason to go through life ashamed of your teeth. Make an appointment with a cosmetic dentist to see how your smile can be improved to get the bright, beautiful smile you desire.

Contact us today to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation in our Clintonville dental office.

What Can a Smile Makeover Change?

With advances in cosmetic dentistry, almost every aspect of your smile can undergo a transformation with a smile makeover. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, a combination of cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatment procedures can help you to achieve the beautiful smile of your dreams. Some of the dental issues that can be changed with a smile makeover include:

  • Dull, yellow or stained teeth can be whitened and brightened up to 10 shades through a variety of teeth whitening methods.
  • Chipped, cracked, stained or gapped teeth can be hidden, repaired and straightened by utilizing porcelain veneers or dental bonding.
  • Missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants that restore the look, feel and function of natural teeth.
  • The problem of missing teeth can also be corrected with the placement of a dental bridge.
  • Receding gums, or an uneven or low gum line can be fixed with gum contouring and grafting procedures.
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth can be corrected with orthodontic options like Invisalign or traditional metal braces.

In coordination with a qualified cosmetic dentist, a customized treatment plan can be created to address any or all of your cosmetic dental concerns. Your plan may start with just one procedure or include a combination of several treatments to achieve the look you desire for your smile. A smile makeover can not only change the look of your smile through a series of dental treatments, it can also change your self-confidence by giving you a beautiful new smile with which to face the world.

We look forward to seeing you in our Clintonville dental office

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

Call: (614) 268-5250

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.