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Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Today’s cosmetic dentistry offers an extensive array of treatments and procedures to help restore a beautiful and healthy smile. While you may never have considered cosmetic dental procedures as a solution to your dental concerns, there are quite a few reasons you may want to consider for seeking cosmetic dental treatment:

  • Crooked, cracked or decayed teeth can be corrected through bonding, crowns, and veneers, returning your smile to its once vibrant and healthy appearance.
  • Decay and disease can cause you to lose teeth, creating gaps that hollow your face and age your appearance. Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide variety of options such as dental implants for restoring missing teeth, keeping your smile and face younger looking.
  • Teeth that have yellowed or discolored over time due to wine, tobacco or staining foods can be lightened up to ten shades with professional teeth whitening treatments performed by a qualified cosmetic dentist.
  • “Horsey” looking teeth or “gummy” smiles can be corrected through gum re-contouring or restructuring to create a younger, more appealing smile.
  • Misaligned or gapped teeth can be straightened through orthodontia such as Invisalign that is virtually invisible and pain and hassle-free.

Some cosmetic treatments may be offered by your family dentist, but you may want to consider a consultation with a qualified cosmetic dentist to find out more about the full array of treatments available to address your cosmetic dental concerns. Many procedures are quick and painless, and can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to achieve the results you desire. With the help of cosmetic dentistry and proper oral care, you can be assured a confident, more perfect smile.

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

Considerations for a Smile Makeover

The process of improving your appearance through oral changes is called a smile makeover. A wide variety of cosmetic procedures can be performed so that you’ll be happier and more confident about your smile. There are many factors that a cosmetic dentist considers when helping you decide upon your ideal smile. Since it is a completely customized process, your dentist will ask your goals and provide recommendations based on your personal characteristics.

Alignment and spacing

Gapped, crooked, or overcrowded teeth can be aligned and straightened, often through dental veneers or orthodontics. Options for braces have expanded to include less visible approaches such as Invisalign.

Tooth color

Discolored teeth can be the sign of age or habits like consuming dark foods or smoking. Bright, white teeth suggest a more youthful look that can improve your whole appearance. This can be achieved in a smile makeover through professional teeth whitening or dental veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will help you choose the shade that best complements the color and tone of your face and hair, helping you achieve the right balance. You might also choose to have silver fillings replaced with tooth-colored composite so that they are no longer noticeable in your smile.

Tooth length

Aging can cause your teeth to wear down and become shorter, giving you a gummy smile that tends to make you look older than you are. A smile makeover can offer lengthening and reshaping of your teeth through bonding or veneers. Another option is having your gum line modified with laser dentistry so that your teeth appear longer. Altering the length of your teeth to accent your face more appropriately can be a big improvement to your features.

Missing teeth

Gaps in your smile due to missing teeth affects the appearance and function of your mouth, also creating greater risk for tooth decay and tooth shifting. Some smile makeover choices for restoring missing teeth are dental implants, partial dentures, or bridges.

Facial features

The entire shape and look of your face can be improved with certain smile makeover techniques. Examples are oral maxillofacial surgery or orthodontics. Your cosmetic dentist can make suggestions and sometimes even create computer images to show you possible outcomes.

We treat patients from Clintonville and the surrounding area

Family Dentists: Experts in Caring for All Ages

Family dentists are experts in treating patients no matter what their age or oral health. The goal of a family dentist is to care for every family member in one convenient location, so that each patient is comfortable and confident about visiting the dentist.

Young members of a family present unique issues when it comes to dentistry. Many children find dental offices scary and parents struggle to get necessary dental care for their kids. Family dentistry offers a calming and welcoming environment for children, often providing distractions like videos and games. Having the flexibility and expertise to work with kids is a great advantage of family dentistry, because learning to handle dental visits at a young age is a good start to a lifetime of dental success.

Dental professionals suggest that children begin seeing the dentist around their first birthday. Not only will the dentist check and treat the child’s oral health, the parents will be educated on proper dental care. They will learn how to help their children avoid cavities, gum disease, and other issues as more teeth erupt and the child’s mouth grows.

Family dentists treat pediatric patients, but they are also skilled in the oral health needs of adolescents. If kids grow up going to the dentist, they won’t be as nervous or frightened about instruments and procedures as they become more aware of treatment. Comfortable patients are much more likely to sit still during procedures. Also, family dentists are trained to recognize issues related to orthodontics as older children reach the age that orthodontic intervention might be necessary. Some family dentists practice orthodontics, and others refer patients to specialists.

Family dentists take care of mom and dad, and even grandma and grandpa, too. The whole family can enjoy seeing the same dental professionals in one office location, and establish a long-lasting relationship for everyone with their healthcare provider. Family dentists perform all sorts of dental procedures, so no one is left out in the specific needs that might affect certain age groups. Oral health should never be neglected, and family dentistry is a step in the right direction.

Our dental office is located in Clintonville

Caring for your Dental Veneers

A popular way to improve your smile by hiding embarrassing flaws is to get porcelain veneers. These thin shells are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth, and can stay looking natural and appealing for a lifetime with proper care. Here are some guidelines for maintaining your dental veneers.

Porcelain veneers are resistant to staining, so you have a good chance of keeping a bright smile. However, the bonding cement used to attach them to your teeth can become discolored. Ask your dentist about using stain resistant bonding materials when attaching your veneers.

Brush your tooth at least twice a day to get rid of plaque, food particles, and potential stains. Use a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Brush your gum lines where food can accumulate and damage your porcelain veneers. For efficient cleaning without being too harsh on your veneers, consider using an electric toothbrush.

Ask your dentist to demonstrate proper flossing techniques so that you don’t use too much pressure and chip your veneers. However, do not neglect flossing at least once a day.

Avoid foods and drinks prone to staining your teeth, and do not bite on extremely hard items because that can chip your veneers.

Having checkups
Maintain regular checkups with your dentist at least twice a year to make sure your veneers and overall oral health remain in good condition.


Schedule your appointment at our Clintonville dental office

Are You Looking For a Family Dentist?

Do you have children? Are you exhausted from driving all over town for clubs and meetings and appointments for your family? If you are finding yourself occasionally overwhelmed by the needs of your family, a family dentist can help you simplify one area of your life. A family dentist can see each member of your family, from the youngest to the oldest, sometimes on the same day in the same block of time!

Because of the rising popularity of family dental practices, you have more choices than ever to address the oral health needs of your entire family. Choosing the right one can be difficult and confusing. If you’re looking for a new family dentist, here are some factors you can consider when you’re choosing which family dental practice in your area is for you:

  • How much training does this dentist have? How long has he or she been in business? All dentists must graduate from dental college, but a truly exceptional dentist will pursue continuing education courses in an effort to stay abreast of the latest methods and technology in their field. Ask what current certifications the dentist holds. How experienced is their staff?
  • Are the employees and the dentist good with children? When you visit their offices, do you see an environment that’s inviting and warm? Are there games or activities for children of all ages? Are the magazines you see appropriate for all ages? Do the patients in the waiting area seem comfortable and relaxed? Does everyone you see seem happy? Did the front office staff greet you in a friendly manner? If any of the answers is no, then you should look at the practice more closely before you make an appointment.
  • How modern is the office? A good family dentist will have current technology and sedation dentistry options to ensure a pleasant visit for all.

Choosing a family dentist is an important step. Don’t rush into it; do some research before you decide, and you can ensure that you make the best choice for your family.

Schedule your appointment at our Clintonville dental office

What to Expect at your Appointment with your Family Dentist

Experts recommend that each member of your family see a dentist every six months for ideal oral health. One of the most convenient ways to accomplish this is to establish a relationship with a qualified family dentist. This type of dentist sees patients of all ages and oral conditions, so that you can all get the dental care you need in one place.

Dental checkups are usually considered to be rather routine. During the visit, you generally will have your entire mouth examined, X-rays taken if recommended, and professional teeth cleaning performed. Evaluations will be made for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, or any other issues that might be of concern. You can expect all of these typical treatments from your family dentist.

Another important part of your dental visit is to discuss your oral condition as well as your overall health with the dentist. If you are the parent of a young child, you will need to voice any issues with the dentist that your child may have. Some of the topics to discuss with your dentist include changes you’ve noticed in your oral condition, pain or other problems you are experiencing, medications that you are taking, and any other health problems that are present. Your oral health and your general health can be linked in many ways, so it’s important to be open and thorough in your discussions with your family dentist.

Family dentists are experienced in handling all kinds of patients and their concerns. Dental anxiety or phobia is one example, since it’s not uncommon for patients to be nervous about the dentist. Young children are especially susceptible to this concern, but family dentists are well-versed in treating them. Senior patients bring their own unique set of issues, and family dentists are able to successfully treat this age group as well. Family dentists are also able to make recommendations for other types of specialists as needed, such as orthodontists, endodontists, or oral surgeons. The goal is good oral health care for every member of your family, and that is what family dentists are trained and experienced in providing.

Schedule your appointment at our Clintonville dental office

4345 N High Street
Clintonville, OH 43214

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Conveniently located in Clintonville, Ohio, making it accessible from these nearby locations: Columbus, Upper Arlington, Northwest Columbus, Ohio State University Campus, Worthington.